
A..An..Anj..Anji..Anjin...ANJING!!! (Dog)

*Indo version
**English version

*ANJING!!! (baca: DOG!!!)

Sperti judulny.. Meyakinkan skali bhwa gw 'is in a big (small) problem'... Wew, pkokny gla bgt..

Informasi lbh lnjut, hubungi dokter (g lh): Go to Grego's. Find the rest on your own, dumbass..

**ARGH!! Dammit! All this fun-suckers-stuff really freaking me out!! You might not know the whole story but still... 'Oh holy shit'.. And I'm not singing 'Oh Holy Night'..

See?? (no) All this damned-stuff has driven me crazy by any chances..

Man.. Gotta put everything back straight again now.. Phew, work, work, work... (try to relax -.-')

MOTHER!! ( shocked *0*")The exam!! Weqs, I've been thinking of ordering a room in Bogor's Hospital for Crazy (Rumah Sakit Jiwa Bogor.. bahasany GJ. Maap tmn).. Maybe there, nobody would cares if I'm going crazy (It is the House for the kind of it, idiot!)..

Ah whatever.. I'm going to be focused now so I'll be having a hard time rearranging my time.. Dude, time is the numbers that cannot be used for a simple mistakes.. It's unchangeable.. Must be very careful of what you do.. If you take the wrong way, be sure to make it straight for the future..

Wish you all luck!! You and Me!!

Ja Ne

Darkest X.x.X

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