
!!Ujian itu Najong!! (cuih, bnci bgt with that 'thing')

GILA GW SURUH UJIAN!! Ud kyk X (nama d samarkan) di tendang, tonjok, smack-down, potong(?), belah(?), robek(?), cincang(?), bakar(?), goreng(?), rebus(?) dkk trus d mkn(?!?!?!)!!

p.s: Ad yg bs tbk g si 'X' itu ap ato siapa?? Kirimkan jawaban mu segera dan dapatkan liburan gratis di Rumah Makan Mpok KIBUL . co.id XD.. LOL

Yawda lh.. Sdh terjadi gni, nasib.. hiks2x XP..

Ah pokokny gla bgt.. Jdi th 'Ujian Piano' yg nyebelin bkn maen, th ud bkin gw mual 3 kli d mobil..


* Pergi ke TA dlu (naek mobil)

* Pergi ke Pacific Place.. Slh tmpt (naek mobil)

* Pergi ke Yamaha (naek mobil)

Nh, skrg coba tebak dlu knp gw bs mual 3 kli dlm 1 hri..




Msh g tw jg?! Wew, nah u just suck at predicting (I guess)..

Yh, gw bs mual krna:


Seriously, it's a "good thing" I didn't puke at that time.. Phew, my stomach's feel like being poisoned and burned at the same time.. Wow, what an ART-istic feeling 4 puking.. maaaaaaaaaaan

Oh well, nothing serious after that besides sweating and goin-crazy bcos it has begun and... Phew, after going out of the "Room of Terror and Sweat", I feel free..
I don't know how, but when I go to the toilet.. I think it's sparkled -__-'

Ok, now I am CRAZY..

That's all 4 today.. Keep in touch guys!!

Ja Ne

Darkest X.x.X

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