Nyolot bgt ni hari!!! DAMN!! Bs gila gw kyk kmbing guling (kmbing di guling-guling turun gunung.. kasian de lo bkn kmbing gunung)
My english project is still empty although i've done the lot of it.. But still, urgh, I'm not creative enough to decorate the whole thing.. I'm no good at it.. damn
Good news, my projects are all done (Well say it 'almost'.. gah, dammit)... Yh pokokny sbagian besar sdh, yh nyantai dkit dnk.. Everybody need the time to relax and well, take it easy.. "Slowly but surely" that's what they say though I marked it as "slow and sure, u gotta put away the careless".. seems hard if u can't be careless ^^ Well, damn..
Bad news, the cellphone's dead.. No, it's not yet buried but yes, it will be buried.. (Of course not, I love my cellphone) But the memory stick sucks.. Unfortunately, i still have the last one.. Though it have a very small memory size, as long as I can still use it, its cool.. But damn!! I lost all my data.. NO!!! all of that pics and songs and themes and videos!!! ARGH, why?!?!?!
Ok, I know I'm really stressed out with it, I can still thank God that my heads and experiences memory are still the same.. If I forget everything, who'll I be?? And what would happen to the Darkest's Property?? And all my 'words' and 'jokes'?? WOW, I can't imagine that.. If someday I'll lost all my memory, that means somebody brainwashed me.. Funsuckers.. Damn
oh well, now let's count how many 'damn' words here.. ready??
1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. Oh there were 6.. No wait, there still one left.. Look at the title and it's 7 ^^ Wow, I'm still good at counting.. Of course, even the grandma's can do it (Hell yeah, she lives before us and has gained much experiences than us.. But somehow, maybe not all, they can't recall for it.. Who knows for sure cos I don't)
Think I talk to much (baca: Aku bicara terlalu bnyk.. Bicara?? Tulis kli!!), okay that's all 4 now.. '4 now'.. remember that
mwahahaha!! (evil laugh.. seems stupid -_-')
Ja Ne
Darkest x.X.x
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