
the return of the young scion


Ignorant Child

Led by false dreams

Yet the gods and goddesses are on her side

Lending her every power she needs

Shall Heaven sent down judgments

No gods nor goddesses falter on their beliefs

Yet the child carries the entire burden...

Not knowing of what happened

The young scion of newborn light concealed herself

Within crystal clear chamber of ice

To fall into deep slumber along with the gods and goddesses...

Thousands of years would come

Yet it will only be once and for all eternity

Shall the young scion of light roamed the deadly world again

And when it is time,

The destruction of the world shall begun with the Occult's hideous sign

But will the wheel of fate turn around?

Be the world's damned executioner she will but will she chose the path of light?

Will she follow her unchanging traits of light itself?

To bring back the world through its prosperity and to save the world

From the beastly Armageddon?

Only time would answer

Of how this fantasy would end

Of both Dark,

And Light...


when my glasses falls my sister falls

ini adalah cerita seputar hujan di gereja Laurensius tercinta (muah)

ketika gw n cc gw kluar dri greja, hujan sudah turun (jressssss)

trus gw ngeluarin payung esprit (teng3x!!!) yang sayangnya, g bs d buka ampe full ama gw (baca: susah bgt bukany tpi kbuka sih)

d mulailah kisah ini (jeng jeng):

gw: c, pyungny dong!!!bsah ni!! (tarik payung k kanan)

cc: ihhhhhh!! basah jg ni!!! (tarik k kiri)

(baca: jgn d ikuti, ini bkn film kartun)

*turun tangga*

*3 tngga d bawah*

cc: HYAAAH!! (baca: kepleset!! tangan melayang dan menyambar kacamata gw)


*dua orang bodoh d tengah hujan*

FYI cc gw dgn sukses jatuh 3 tangga sprti d film kartun

(pernah liat tom & jerry? ya, seperti itu)

ok smpe rumah, (maap) P****Tny.....

ilang... Y G LH!! oke P****Tny lngsung d tangani dgn arak mujarab buatan orang cina (ngasal)

kisah d tutup

pesan moral: pada saat kacamata anda hilang, orang yang ada di sebelah anda pun akan hilang terutama pada saat hujan ==a


andre gw dan costa

halo lgi! gw jarang bgt buka post (malah g pernah!!!)
pokokny hari ini gw ama costa ama andre buat lucu2an g jls.
mulai dari pentil andre di gigit adeny ampe coret2 meja komputer pake sapidol ;)

tau maap bahasa agak kasar yh tpi mw gimana lg? gw kaga tau bahasa sopanny!!!

tpi gw mls juga sih nulis2 bnyk2 tpi gmn yh..pokokny seru..

jdi, tdi kn s andre lg brg kita2 jdi gini:

andre: eh sil, gw cape bgt ni

gw: kenapa lw? kok pucet gtu?

costa: iy dre, lu pucet bgt. tdi dri mana aj lw?

andre: tdi gw abis dri HC. emang pucet yh?

costa & gw: iy. BGT!

andre: anjrit... *mulai gosok" muka g jls*

andre: gmn? masih pucet g?

gw & costa: omigod, merah dre! YAILAH MERAH LU LAGI!!!

andre: hehehe *tertawa ceria*

oklah klo bgtu... hwhwhw

trus andre lg nih:

andre: eh ade gw parah loh..

gw: parah kenapa?

andre: masa wktu kecil pentil gw di gigit ampe kyk msuk gtu?

gw: buset dah... masa irene bgtu?

andre: g prcaya lw... nih liat (buka kancing baju trus nunjukin)

gw: ^!%*$^!&@)#!*#^*&@%$*&!$(@^# ANJRIT!!!

andre: tuh kn...

ee lw dre..