
iseng dan huaaaaa

aduhai guys
let's start with english awwright?RIGHT!!!

yeah so today, well not really something to tell
it's just that it wasn't a bad day, for sure
i really enjoyed it perhaps
going to a private lesson at 6 PM?!?!?!

you're kidding me.well it was my idea.how stupid.

it's not entirely stupid but i may as well enjoy it to learn some TOEFL for my college.yeah I'm going to Australia!!! (going college with cows hahahaha)
man I can't wait to get my TOEFL and ESL as well
they said it's hard but, nah i don't care what people said
as long as i have the will i can fight and you can't take it away from me, weks

ok let's go INDO!!!

nah hari ni gw bener2 g nyangka.ternyata presentasi IPS klompok gw maju jg! tae,gw kira minggu depan ato kapan kek. sebel gw. y ud lah nasib mw gmn. pusing

OR dgn bodohny tdi tuh yg cewe pada d marahin gara2 kaga mw cepet baris.yah mrk jg sih salah.huh padahal kn g us gtu (yang cewe:ampe harus pake brisik). y krn gw pihak cewe dan berkelamin jg cewe, y gw jg slah y. so bu naning maaf yah:(

ok nanti lagi ya see ya!

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