akhir2 ini gw sudah membuat bnyk teori contoh:
' cinta = binatang. why? karena cinta tidak membutuhkan alasan sama kayak ayam kalo ada makanan asal patok g pake alasan.'
p.s bagi mereka yang menanggap begitu, jgn tersinggung karena ini cuma teori gw!!!
i used to be that kind of girl.but i realized how suck that would be.good thing i've realized it quick enough to fill the gaps of my life.
wasn't really filled but i will walk with pride:)
hey i've got stories!
pdhl gw tulis d situ! T_T...
yah gw ingt sih beberapa dan kali ini tentang...
yeah gw akan menjelaskan kejadian d sana dan yg gw dngr okok???
so today papa Dwi menjelaskan pada kita kalo negara Inggris (favorit gw nih) ama Amerika (impian kbrp gw) trnyt itu trlalu mengambil untung negara kita!!
yah bukan maksudny marah *I'm not angry with you guys, seriously. this is only my opinion, personally.
so mereka kan buat kontrak ama kita Indonesian, di papua. TITny, papua tuh pnya banyak tambang emas bagus berkualitas, mahakarya dah tuh tambang emas.sayang sih orang2 liar jdi bnyk yg mati.
eh tuh tmbang emas trnyt g cukup bwt mrk. TOTny mereka ktny nemu uranium di papua !!!
* DOG POO PIG!!! URANIUM is 100X expensive than those FREAKIN GOLD!! lobang pantat..
(ralat; URANIUM 300X lbh mahal!!!)
aduuu harapan kepada negara Indo nih:
buat negara yang bener dong..masa sumber daya kita d ambilin terus ama orang luar??kita g maju dong..kasian orang2 kita, bnyk yg mskin nih eh pemerintah ngocol, g pdulian..lw mw merintah apa coba g ada rakyat?!aduu saya kesel loh asli!
saya bkn turunan asli jawa ato sunda ato suku apa aj d indonesia, saya orang luar, tptny cina dan saya tntuny takkan brgama sama sprti kalian tpi saya mngrti btul Indonesia karena inilah tanah air saya! tmpt saya di lahirkan dan akan mnjadi tanah terakhir tmpt saya menunggu ajal. maka saya tdk ingin tnah ini di pergunakan seenakny untuk negara laen!sdh saatny indonesia maju dong! saya masih muda! 14 tahun! dan 14 tahun saya memikirkan dunia! singkatny saya jelas tidak tahu bnyk tpi msi bnyk org yg lbh tdk tahu lagi krna pemerintah!!
saya prnh mndngr crita bhwa indonesia adalh negara yg paling kaya sedunia.kelemahannya hanya satu:
tidak bermaksud mengejek ato menghina kok. i only speaks of my mind, my opinion and my pride..nothing else, i stand for this country.my beloved home town.
no one can take it from me cos when they tried, i will fight for it
until i heard my last, final call.the bell ringing to my grave..
puitis abis tuh blkng2ny tolol! hahaha..ini hal sejujurny loh ya. tdk ad kata maen2 d sni walaupun bnyk candaan dan hal2 gila yang tercantum di atas
saya mohon
jgn terlalu d prhtikan anda bisa gila
okey deh have fun!
gmn y hri ni? kata2 yg cukup menggambarkan hari ni...
iy soalny ist 2 gw msti nunggu org konsultasi bwt dapet giliran ampe wktu istirahat abis.yeah bgus bgt tp g mslh pkokny gw ud konsultasi cuma perut gw itu lohh...
kroncongan.untung g maag kyk d retret.
d retret yg namany maag itu ud jdi sahabat 4 hari!
ya sudalah maag doang g bakal mati kn?
tau lebay bgt..
ah bodo trus abis baca postny laras nih.yeah soal kulkas sih bener bgt tuh! hahha
kulkas...jadi ingt gw sering kejepit/kjeduk kulkas wktu msi kecil...
pantas IQ gw nurun (?)
ok d see you bye!
iy soalny ist 2 gw msti nunggu org konsultasi bwt dapet giliran ampe wktu istirahat abis.yeah bgus bgt tp g mslh pkokny gw ud konsultasi cuma perut gw itu lohh...
kroncongan.untung g maag kyk d retret.
d retret yg namany maag itu ud jdi sahabat 4 hari!
ya sudalah maag doang g bakal mati kn?
tau lebay bgt..
ah bodo trus abis baca postny laras nih.yeah soal kulkas sih bener bgt tuh! hahha
kulkas...jadi ingt gw sering kejepit/kjeduk kulkas wktu msi kecil...
pantas IQ gw nurun (?)
ok d see you bye!
I'm sorry :(
today was like a night mare.i have to say the things i don't want cos i know it would make him feel bad, me feel bad and everyone of us, bad..
but i have to cos i have my promises..
just so you know, i don't regret this..
i won't regret this.no matter what happens..i'm regretting nothing.
bcos i have a goal too and i think it's just the same as you said...
yeah, i'll take it if you must hate me but i'll wait and not give up..
not until i heard my last and final call
but i have to cos i have my promises..
just so you know, i don't regret this..
i won't regret this.no matter what happens..i'm regretting nothing.
bcos i have a goal too and i think it's just the same as you said...
yeah, i'll take it if you must hate me but i'll wait and not give up..
not until i heard my last and final call
TGIF (thank God it's Friday)!
yeah well still in my private matters.on with that, going well:)
ok so topik hari ni...ap y?
hey i know! i wrote a song. dedicated to whom? why, myself, of course! and to my bestfriends:) although a little bit of romance but hey, just face it:
Standing outside my place
Getting high and low
And now you are my case
I can’t get it off
Dunno if you’re the one
But i still can feel it now
Well if you wanna give it a go
Just say
I’ll be there for you
And I’ll do the best for you
May years have passed and I
Will always stay right here
I’ll be there for you
And I’ll do the best for you
I don’t care about what’s and why
Because I love you so
Like you, actually
But I don’t know what to say
Wants to be oh so perfectly
But I tried not to be careless of what to pay
I never thought this way of you
Never more than friends or enemy
But you know you open my eyes
So just say
I’ll be there for you
And I’ll do the best for you
Let all hardships go and I
Will always stay right here
I’ll be there for you
And I’ll do the best for you
Let the sky falls and I will stay
Because I love you so
But I think that I’ll have to wait
For you cos you still love her
But I know that there’s no hate
In my chest, not a single fate
Let go of my wait and I
Will figure it out in time
So please say
I’ll be there for you
And I’ll do the best for you
Just breath it all in and I
Will always stand right here
I’ll be there for you
And I’ll do the best for you
Even rain could not catch up with you
Because you love me so
TA-DAAA!! how's that?!
iy yah tumben gw post telat bgt..abis males sih..g tw mw ngmng ap hahhaa
ah gw sebel hari ni d hukum pak HIG gra2 costa!!
tpi y sudalah ..bersabar aj dh hahaha you can't argue with that teacher
hmm hari ni si g gtu2 amt tp i was kind of happy and relieved of...something
hehehe secrets:)
did you know:
" secret makes a woman, woman " - Vermouth, Detective Conan
ok so topik hari ni...ap y?
hey i know! i wrote a song. dedicated to whom? why, myself, of course! and to my bestfriends:) although a little bit of romance but hey, just face it:
Standing outside my place
Getting high and low
And now you are my case
I can’t get it off
Dunno if you’re the one
But i still can feel it now
Well if you wanna give it a go
Just say
I’ll be there for you
And I’ll do the best for you
May years have passed and I
Will always stay right here
I’ll be there for you
And I’ll do the best for you
I don’t care about what’s and why
Because I love you so
Like you, actually
But I don’t know what to say
Wants to be oh so perfectly
But I tried not to be careless of what to pay
I never thought this way of you
Never more than friends or enemy
But you know you open my eyes
So just say
I’ll be there for you
And I’ll do the best for you
Let all hardships go and I
Will always stay right here
I’ll be there for you
And I’ll do the best for you
Let the sky falls and I will stay
Because I love you so
But I think that I’ll have to wait
For you cos you still love her
But I know that there’s no hate
In my chest, not a single fate
Let go of my wait and I
Will figure it out in time
So please say
I’ll be there for you
And I’ll do the best for you
Just breath it all in and I
Will always stand right here
I’ll be there for you
And I’ll do the best for you
Even rain could not catch up with you
Because you love me so
TA-DAAA!! how's that?!
iy yah tumben gw post telat bgt..abis males sih..g tw mw ngmng ap hahhaa
ah gw sebel hari ni d hukum pak HIG gra2 costa!!
tpi y sudalah ..bersabar aj dh hahaha you can't argue with that teacher
hmm hari ni si g gtu2 amt tp i was kind of happy and relieved of...something
hehehe secrets:)
did you know:
" secret makes a woman, woman " - Vermouth, Detective Conan
cheer myself up
yeah i still having all this things on my head i mean...
wait, it's personal!!
no no no telling you guys! what is wrong with me?!
so basically i'm currently sad/down/blue or anything cos i can't find what it really means.and if i do, i think it's not what i'm thinking..
hey, i could never have what i really want?!
i'm not the same as her and i will never be the same as her...that's all i have to say.but i want to tell you this, that i'll wait...
I wish I could just make you turn around
Turn around and see me cry
There's so much I need to say to you
So many reasons why
You're the only one
Who really knew me at all
So Take a look at me now
Cause there's just an empty space
But to wait for you is
All I can do
And that's what I've got to face.
yah bgtulah
wait, it's personal!!
no no no telling you guys! what is wrong with me?!
so basically i'm currently sad/down/blue or anything cos i can't find what it really means.and if i do, i think it's not what i'm thinking..
hey, i could never have what i really want?!
i'm not the same as her and i will never be the same as her...that's all i have to say.but i want to tell you this, that i'll wait...
I wish I could just make you turn around
Turn around and see me cry
There's so much I need to say to you
So many reasons why
You're the only one
Who really knew me at all
So Take a look at me now
Cause there's just an empty space
But to wait for you is
All I can do
And that's what I've got to face.
yah bgtulah
the native speaks
yeah so for today i have a little chat with my english teacher (which for me never talk much about his experince,well rarely perhaps), mr. Anthony.
so i'll tell you this in english cos it was in english
A: why do people act impolitely?
me: sorry?
A: yeah?they walk in when others get out. i'd said these guys have no manners
me: uh yeah?
A: and i have a story too when I went to singapore and -
and beyond that, he shows me the people. people with no manners. i feel quite shocked when i heard he said stuffs like this i mean, i thought he was quite impolite to people. well that open my eyes that actually, he's a mannered person:)
ok hari ini gw seneng2 sedih kykny dh
seneng krna gelombang dua pulang dan sedih krna well, personal stuffs.don't mind that ...
i really need my friends now i guess..it feels quite lonely now
i think i know what you mean but..i won't force you..
you know i'll wait..
so i'll tell you this in english cos it was in english
A: why do people act impolitely?
me: sorry?
A: yeah?they walk in when others get out. i'd said these guys have no manners
me: uh yeah?
A: and i have a story too when I went to singapore and -
and beyond that, he shows me the people. people with no manners. i feel quite shocked when i heard he said stuffs like this i mean, i thought he was quite impolite to people. well that open my eyes that actually, he's a mannered person:)
ok hari ini gw seneng2 sedih kykny dh
seneng krna gelombang dua pulang dan sedih krna well, personal stuffs.don't mind that ...
i really need my friends now i guess..it feels quite lonely now
i think i know what you mean but..i won't force you..
you know i'll wait..
TGTT (Thank God Tomorrow Thursday!)
yeps kali ini kita go normal saja!!jadi student!!
yey, ok dh gw lg kumat gara2 urap sayur(?)
okok eh trnyt coklat gw laku berat!SHIT pdhl mw gw smpen bwt tmn2 gw nnti yg bru pulang,abis oleh oknum2 tdk brtnggung jawab:
1. Andre: kebatekan seorang siswa kami yang sering kali meminta makanan/minuman dgn pnuh knistaan
2. Vincent: org item ini g tw knp lg suka ksmber coklat(?).mksudny lg suka makan coklat trus dgn batek yg sma dgn andre, dunia coklat pun habis.
3. Dhidhi: pak ketua kelas kita trnyt ikut2an batek brsma vincent dan andre.benar2 ketua
4. Juan: bkn org spnyol ato mexico tpi berbulu sprti bison, anak ini trnyt mngikuti jejak ketiga org d atas.
yah bgus trus mrk jg mnt gw bawain lg pdhl...jah..tw lah.lalu korban yg tdk kbgian sebgai brikut:
1. Yulius: pada saat meminta coklat ludes d lahap vincent.
2. Jovan: makan sisa kyk kucing (no offense)
3. skitar 100 lbh siswa blm mncicipi coklat ini T_T
dan sbgainy. gw hrus buka factory klo kek gini mah trus jualan biar untung jahahaha.
talk about business.
so day talk normally, gw lg sng bgt hri ni.hmm crita?mls kn cma gw dan dy yg tw. klo gw crita trus brrti mngumbar rahasia dong.
noh noh noh itu bkn gw bgt.
hey, thanks for coming:) i was really happy to see you
if it's not you, get the hell out of here you freak!!
JK (just kidding:))
yey, ok dh gw lg kumat gara2 urap sayur(?)
okok eh trnyt coklat gw laku berat!SHIT pdhl mw gw smpen bwt tmn2 gw nnti yg bru pulang,abis oleh oknum2 tdk brtnggung jawab:
1. Andre: kebatekan seorang siswa kami yang sering kali meminta makanan/minuman dgn pnuh knistaan
2. Vincent: org item ini g tw knp lg suka ksmber coklat(?).mksudny lg suka makan coklat trus dgn batek yg sma dgn andre, dunia coklat pun habis.
3. Dhidhi: pak ketua kelas kita trnyt ikut2an batek brsma vincent dan andre.benar2 ketua
4. Juan: bkn org spnyol ato mexico tpi berbulu sprti bison, anak ini trnyt mngikuti jejak ketiga org d atas.
yah bgus trus mrk jg mnt gw bawain lg pdhl...jah..tw lah.lalu korban yg tdk kbgian sebgai brikut:
1. Yulius: pada saat meminta coklat ludes d lahap vincent.
2. Jovan: makan sisa kyk kucing (no offense)
3. skitar 100 lbh siswa blm mncicipi coklat ini T_T
dan sbgainy. gw hrus buka factory klo kek gini mah trus jualan biar untung jahahaha.
talk about business.
so day talk normally, gw lg sng bgt hri ni.hmm crita?mls kn cma gw dan dy yg tw. klo gw crita trus brrti mngumbar rahasia dong.
noh noh noh itu bkn gw bgt.
hey, thanks for coming:) i was really happy to see you
if it's not you, get the hell out of here you freak!!
JK (just kidding:))
Vicissitude of Us
maaf judulny agak ribet.terjemahan cri sndiri...
ud dpt?nah itu memang benar2 mngambarkan negara kita!
sedih g sih kita tuh d permainin ama org malay?!
gw ampe skrg g ngrti, why do these guys hated us so bad, they tried to do anything to surpass our country and even stealing everything?!
g bener bgt!sampah! kalian sampah klo cuma nyuri tp g bs ngasilin sndiri, jing!
*mohon kata2 kasar d maafkan*
sumpah gw kesel, masa 7 nelayan dtg k sini, eh..
patroli kta yg d tngkep! NELAYAN MEN! DI PERAIRAN INDO!!!
g bs baca peta sumpah dah...gw kesel bgt..
trus tu nelayan2 tolol ngmngny mrk d tmbakin org kita (tukang patroli)!
tolol, bnr2 tolol! patroli mana brsnjata!mereka kn PATROLI!!!
g abis pikir sumpah...kyk WG (jgn d pkirkan, WG itu tdk pnting)
gw g suka loh malay klo kyk gini trus.
pertama batik, trus angklung, trus reog, trus Manohara(?) trus pohon, trus ikan, TKW, TKP mw lw ap sih?!
pembunuhan, penganiayaan, pelecehan dll itu d lkukan malay k kt!padhal stw gw kt tuh adem ayem aj!! weh oknum2 g brtnggung jawab!
semoga kalian mmbaca tulisan d atas, hai orang Malaysia. saya meminta maaf atas kekasaran yang terjadi pada seluruh tulisan d atas. saya hnya mengungkapkan perasaan saya sbgai seorang pembela negara.mksudny saya warga Indo.sekali lagi apabila anda membaca tulisan d atas, bukalah mata anda dan berpendapatlah.saya akan mendengar, bgtu pula pemerintah anda. sekali lagi saya mohon maaf.
terima kasih
ud dpt?nah itu memang benar2 mngambarkan negara kita!
sedih g sih kita tuh d permainin ama org malay?!
gw ampe skrg g ngrti, why do these guys hated us so bad, they tried to do anything to surpass our country and even stealing everything?!
g bener bgt!sampah! kalian sampah klo cuma nyuri tp g bs ngasilin sndiri, jing!
*mohon kata2 kasar d maafkan*
sumpah gw kesel, masa 7 nelayan dtg k sini, eh..
patroli kta yg d tngkep! NELAYAN MEN! DI PERAIRAN INDO!!!
g bs baca peta sumpah dah...gw kesel bgt..
trus tu nelayan2 tolol ngmngny mrk d tmbakin org kita (tukang patroli)!
tolol, bnr2 tolol! patroli mana brsnjata!mereka kn PATROLI!!!
g abis pikir sumpah...kyk WG (jgn d pkirkan, WG itu tdk pnting)
gw g suka loh malay klo kyk gini trus.
pertama batik, trus angklung, trus reog, trus Manohara(?) trus pohon, trus ikan, TKW, TKP mw lw ap sih?!
pembunuhan, penganiayaan, pelecehan dll itu d lkukan malay k kt!padhal stw gw kt tuh adem ayem aj!! weh oknum2 g brtnggung jawab!
semoga kalian mmbaca tulisan d atas, hai orang Malaysia. saya meminta maaf atas kekasaran yang terjadi pada seluruh tulisan d atas. saya hnya mengungkapkan perasaan saya sbgai seorang pembela negara.mksudny saya warga Indo.sekali lagi apabila anda membaca tulisan d atas, bukalah mata anda dan berpendapatlah.saya akan mendengar, bgtu pula pemerintah anda. sekali lagi saya mohon maaf.
terima kasih
oo mai goat bgt!!!
dream come true guys.miracle happens:)
Thanks dad. Thanks Father:)
dream come true guys.miracle happens:)
Thanks dad. Thanks Father:)
a little bit of today
'who knows how long i've loved you. you know i loved you still
will i wait a lonely life time, if you want me to, i will'
the beatles - I will
lagu yg bgus bgt dari beatles bwt gw.dri tdi pgi tuh ud bnyi trus haha.
ok so a little bit of today. yah g bnyk sih cos i stayed at home alone with my maids.
yeah krna bosen hari ni gw ud bkin coklat(lagi). demi apa pun, cuma coklat yg bs bwt gw sibuk klo g ad bnda elektronik n friends.
so gw bwt coklat kn kyk biasa.tpi gw sebel, knp dark chocolate gw ud abis.prsaan kmren masi ad.jah tpi gpp lah.gw gnti dh jdi stroberi couverture.enak sih cuma yaaaa, pgn dark chocolate huhuhu..
hal bodoh yg dilakukan? tentu saja ad! krna gw g pnya kuas masak bwt bikin kulit coklatny, kuas cat pun jadi! dgn kata laen, asalkan itu kuas, apapun jadi!tng aj, ud d brsiin,steril, anti kuman kok.so bsok akn gw bawa dh k skul.wait for it;)!
enough about chocolates.tdi gw dpt telepon aneh.masa rumah gw jd gramedia sih?!
*bunyi telpon*
gw: halo?
orang tak jls (OTJ): halo?
gw: halo?
OTJ: halo?gramedia?
gw: hah?
OTJ: mba ini gramedia kn?
gw: mas salah smbung mas!
*tuh org bolot*
OTJ: gramedia?
gw: salah sambung!!!!
OTJ: ooh, maaf
*tut tut tut*
mai goat...ngotot skali anda..ckck yeah the thing is, gw bnr2 bored bgt hari ni tpi yasudalah.gw jg lg mls jln2 k luar soalny...ujan...
yap ujan bnr2 menganggu khidupan manusia d alam sutera trutama pada bbrp jam lalu. ORKESTRA PETIR, GELEDEK DKK!!!!
wuanjing berisik bgt!smua barang gw begeter ampean..tae
ok that's all aj dh..mls pnjg2 nih
will i wait a lonely life time, if you want me to, i will'
the beatles - I will
lagu yg bgus bgt dari beatles bwt gw.dri tdi pgi tuh ud bnyi trus haha.
ok so a little bit of today. yah g bnyk sih cos i stayed at home alone with my maids.
yeah krna bosen hari ni gw ud bkin coklat(lagi). demi apa pun, cuma coklat yg bs bwt gw sibuk klo g ad bnda elektronik n friends.
so gw bwt coklat kn kyk biasa.tpi gw sebel, knp dark chocolate gw ud abis.prsaan kmren masi ad.jah tpi gpp lah.gw gnti dh jdi stroberi couverture.enak sih cuma yaaaa, pgn dark chocolate huhuhu..
hal bodoh yg dilakukan? tentu saja ad! krna gw g pnya kuas masak bwt bikin kulit coklatny, kuas cat pun jadi! dgn kata laen, asalkan itu kuas, apapun jadi!tng aj, ud d brsiin,steril, anti kuman kok.so bsok akn gw bawa dh k skul.wait for it;)!
enough about chocolates.tdi gw dpt telepon aneh.masa rumah gw jd gramedia sih?!
*bunyi telpon*
gw: halo?
orang tak jls (OTJ): halo?
gw: halo?
OTJ: halo?gramedia?
gw: hah?
OTJ: mba ini gramedia kn?
gw: mas salah smbung mas!
*tuh org bolot*
OTJ: gramedia?
gw: salah sambung!!!!
OTJ: ooh, maaf
*tut tut tut*
mai goat...ngotot skali anda..ckck yeah the thing is, gw bnr2 bored bgt hari ni tpi yasudalah.gw jg lg mls jln2 k luar soalny...ujan...
yap ujan bnr2 menganggu khidupan manusia d alam sutera trutama pada bbrp jam lalu. ORKESTRA PETIR, GELEDEK DKK!!!!
wuanjing berisik bgt!smua barang gw begeter ampean..tae
ok that's all aj dh..mls pnjg2 nih
bru pulang neh hahha
hai semuany!!!! aduh gila gw seneng bgt retret!!!!jadi betah gw trus g pgn pulang:(
seru bgt gw suka abis tp gw sebel bgt..pulang bkn d smbut baek2 gw mlh d suru2 ama nci gw.benci bgt.bknny tobat malah bwt mslh lagi ama tu anak.bt gw..huh!!!
ud bodo ah yg pntng gw mw crita soal retret:)))))
ok d so d retret tuh keren bgt!!! ud kyk kebun bntang bnyk bgt animalia kingdom d sana!! sumpe de trus tmptny tuh bener2 asri gtu, adem (bner2 adem ampe lw pgn pake jaket terus), panoramany dong..HUAAA keren abis!!! tiap malem ud bs gemerlap kota dari atas sini hahhaa!!!
yg plg gw suka itu jalan salibny..bener2 mantep krna salib Yesusny itu bener2 hidden.selaen jalan salib, goa Maria.keren d atas gtu trsmbunyi jg.
but the most favorite place i love (especially for sleeping) itu bukan kamar, tapi...
tmpt BLIND SPOT!!! yes ad tmpt blind spot! gw ktmu pas ujan2an abis jln 8 km k atas gunung curug.gw lgi jln2 muter2 dri jln slib kn sndrian trus abis dari salib Yesus, gw turun tngga, eh..ad tmpt bteduh.adem bener. gw ktiduran abis tu.tpi g ad org yg bs liat gw tpi gw bs liat mrk,waw bnr2 blind spot! give me (Y)!!
gw bener2 super2 suka tu tmpt krn bnyk doggieny hahhaa trus ad lapangan basket trus bnyk hijau2 (baca: plants) trus ad pabrik hostiny, trus ad toko suvenir trus ad rotweiler trus ad german shepperd trus pastorny gaul2(very nice:D) dll!!!
yg gw seneng gw satu gelombang ama org yg gw suka.btw gw ud g suka ama si *PIP* itu jdi gw g mslh lg dh!! yey! tpi kykny gw msi mslh dh soalny si dy tuh lg suka org laen..yaaaah sama aj gw mah.nasib tpi gpp.gw akn brjuang.yeah!
ooh y the bad thing(s) about this retreat is/are:
-the weather was so unpredictable
-there was a stalker,nasty
-the frater was a pain in the ass (sorry)
-bnyk luka gw pulang2 retret (no details please)
-many more
yah tpi bnyk good things jg kok so no worries!!! ok d gw lg nunggu foto dri davi tpi lama bner ampe gw sbl hahaa..
okay that's all folks! BYE!
this is a picture of the great cross of Jesus:)
seru bgt gw suka abis tp gw sebel bgt..pulang bkn d smbut baek2 gw mlh d suru2 ama nci gw.benci bgt.bknny tobat malah bwt mslh lagi ama tu anak.bt gw..huh!!!
ud bodo ah yg pntng gw mw crita soal retret:)))))
ok d so d retret tuh keren bgt!!! ud kyk kebun bntang bnyk bgt animalia kingdom d sana!! sumpe de trus tmptny tuh bener2 asri gtu, adem (bner2 adem ampe lw pgn pake jaket terus), panoramany dong..HUAAA keren abis!!! tiap malem ud bs gemerlap kota dari atas sini hahhaa!!!
yg plg gw suka itu jalan salibny..bener2 mantep krna salib Yesusny itu bener2 hidden.selaen jalan salib, goa Maria.keren d atas gtu trsmbunyi jg.
but the most favorite place i love (especially for sleeping) itu bukan kamar, tapi...
tmpt BLIND SPOT!!! yes ad tmpt blind spot! gw ktmu pas ujan2an abis jln 8 km k atas gunung curug.gw lgi jln2 muter2 dri jln slib kn sndrian trus abis dari salib Yesus, gw turun tngga, eh..ad tmpt bteduh.adem bener. gw ktiduran abis tu.tpi g ad org yg bs liat gw tpi gw bs liat mrk,waw bnr2 blind spot! give me (Y)!!
gw bener2 super2 suka tu tmpt krn bnyk doggieny hahhaa trus ad lapangan basket trus bnyk hijau2 (baca: plants) trus ad pabrik hostiny, trus ad toko suvenir trus ad rotweiler trus ad german shepperd trus pastorny gaul2(very nice:D) dll!!!
yg gw seneng gw satu gelombang ama org yg gw suka.btw gw ud g suka ama si *PIP* itu jdi gw g mslh lg dh!! yey! tpi kykny gw msi mslh dh soalny si dy tuh lg suka org laen..yaaaah sama aj gw mah.nasib tpi gpp.gw akn brjuang.yeah!
ooh y the bad thing(s) about this retreat is/are:
-the weather was so unpredictable
-there was a stalker,nasty
-the frater was a pain in the ass (sorry)
-bnyk luka gw pulang2 retret (no details please)
-many more
yah tpi bnyk good things jg kok so no worries!!! ok d gw lg nunggu foto dri davi tpi lama bner ampe gw sbl hahaa..
okay that's all folks! BYE!
this is a picture of the great cross of Jesus:)
took a time a time to walk away..maybe forever
haha so guys..about yesterday, it was truly depressing but hey, you just can't help it right?
i know, i'm sorry guys.i won't let my anger on you okay?
i won't promise though cos i'm a sinful being.everybody does except Jesus (Y)
okay so yeah i've tried to look okay and it did well though i don't gurantee that when the time comes.huh..i just have to be strong.okay so why did i write all of it in english?CHANGE!!!
okd itu aneh.nah tdi gw rada merenung tpi mw gmn yah?i'll just have to be there.that's the only way that i can prove to him that i love him (english again?!)...aah sebel gw klo lg seneng ato sedih psti bnykn english!!!indo gw gmn?!?!?!ok
sbg seseorang yg bru mnginjak kls 3 smp (baca:sekolah jadi debu krn d injak hahhhaaha jayus), gw trmsuk org yg sgt setia menurut pemikiran gw yang ahli (cieee)
ok untuk mmbuktikan kstiaan gw, gw ud brulang kali brlatih untuk setia sprti:
1. g lupa untuk online (hp komp ato telp pkokny on line)
2. tidak prnh lupa sikat gigi
3. slalu mnadi stiap hari
4. slalu tidur stiap hari
ok sbnrny bukan itu krn itu ngaco.bukan kesetiaan tpi kewajiban klo yg d atas...
yah klo setia tuh, gw bnr2 bs skali suka ama satu cowo (asal gw anggap pantes) gw bs suka untuk wktu yg cukup lama.bertaon2 jg bs. tanda2ny sbg brikut:
1. takut kehilangan komunikasi apa bila pisah kls
2. tkut sndrian klo g ada dy (walopun dy g ngmng ama lw tpi dy ad, ud cukup:))
3. pgn slalu ngliat snyuman si dia
4. pgn slalu bs bntu dan akan brsha mmbantu
5. mndukung cita2 si dia
6. mndukung smw prlakuan dia
7. kdg menasihati dia klo slh wlopun dktwain ato ap (psti gw gngsi, itu pasti)
8. pgn mnunjukan yg trbaik bwt dia
9. dll
ingat! daftar ini hny brlaku pada 1 makhluk yaitu gw!!! awas lw ad yg repost, copas ap kek!! waspadalah!
so untuk mendukung kesetian gw slma ini, professor Katar akan membantu kalian semua untuk beljar setia karena kesetiaan adalah cita2 yg mulia!!!
bagi ras wanita => kalian dapat mencoba untuk memanjangkan rambut kalian selama bertahun2 tntu dgn prwatan yg benar.apa bila d suru gnting oleh ortu, blg g mw ato ap pke alesan ap kek.pikirin ndiri!
(ini adalah hal2 yg ud gw pikirkan dan gw terapkan! REAL STORY)
bagi ras pria => kalian dapat mencoba untuk ????ap y soalny gw bukan cowo sih tpi kalian dpt brusaha untuk merawat hal yg plg pnting bwt kalian yaitu, CELANA DALAM! YA, benar sekali!ingatlah untuk mncuci CD mu sesering mungkin tnpa bntuan orang lain!hal ini akan membuat kalian ingt btp pntingny mmbrsihkan celana dalam!!!
that's all folks!
i know, i'm sorry guys.i won't let my anger on you okay?
i won't promise though cos i'm a sinful being.everybody does except Jesus (Y)
okay so yeah i've tried to look okay and it did well though i don't gurantee that when the time comes.huh..i just have to be strong.okay so why did i write all of it in english?CHANGE!!!
okd itu aneh.nah tdi gw rada merenung tpi mw gmn yah?i'll just have to be there.that's the only way that i can prove to him that i love him (english again?!)...aah sebel gw klo lg seneng ato sedih psti bnykn english!!!indo gw gmn?!?!?!ok
sbg seseorang yg bru mnginjak kls 3 smp (baca:sekolah jadi debu krn d injak hahhhaaha jayus), gw trmsuk org yg sgt setia menurut pemikiran gw yang ahli (cieee)
ok untuk mmbuktikan kstiaan gw, gw ud brulang kali brlatih untuk setia sprti:
1. g lupa untuk online (hp komp ato telp pkokny on line)
2. tidak prnh lupa sikat gigi
3. slalu mnadi stiap hari
4. slalu tidur stiap hari
ok sbnrny bukan itu krn itu ngaco.bukan kesetiaan tpi kewajiban klo yg d atas...
yah klo setia tuh, gw bnr2 bs skali suka ama satu cowo (asal gw anggap pantes) gw bs suka untuk wktu yg cukup lama.bertaon2 jg bs. tanda2ny sbg brikut:
1. takut kehilangan komunikasi apa bila pisah kls
2. tkut sndrian klo g ada dy (walopun dy g ngmng ama lw tpi dy ad, ud cukup:))
3. pgn slalu ngliat snyuman si dia
4. pgn slalu bs bntu dan akan brsha mmbantu
5. mndukung cita2 si dia
6. mndukung smw prlakuan dia
7. kdg menasihati dia klo slh wlopun dktwain ato ap (psti gw gngsi, itu pasti)
8. pgn mnunjukan yg trbaik bwt dia
9. dll
ingat! daftar ini hny brlaku pada 1 makhluk yaitu gw!!! awas lw ad yg repost, copas ap kek!! waspadalah!
so untuk mendukung kesetian gw slma ini, professor Katar akan membantu kalian semua untuk beljar setia karena kesetiaan adalah cita2 yg mulia!!!
bagi ras wanita => kalian dapat mencoba untuk memanjangkan rambut kalian selama bertahun2 tntu dgn prwatan yg benar.apa bila d suru gnting oleh ortu, blg g mw ato ap pke alesan ap kek.pikirin ndiri!
(ini adalah hal2 yg ud gw pikirkan dan gw terapkan! REAL STORY)
bagi ras pria => kalian dapat mencoba untuk ????ap y soalny gw bukan cowo sih tpi kalian dpt brusaha untuk merawat hal yg plg pnting bwt kalian yaitu, CELANA DALAM! YA, benar sekali!ingatlah untuk mncuci CD mu sesering mungkin tnpa bntuan orang lain!hal ini akan membuat kalian ingt btp pntingny mmbrsihkan celana dalam!!!
that's all folks!
nothing i can say
huhu gw lg sebel sedih bt ap kek campur aduk!!!
iy abisny yah gtu dh...
pkokny gw pny suatu harapan yg saat ini masih jauh dri jngkauan gw..sgt jauh malah
bukan cita2..itu bodo amat masi lama
yah yg simple aj like everybody called love.i've got myself a heartbreak now.that's why i hate fragile stuffs and my heart's fragile stuffs.
yah pkokny gw bermasalah.sori g bs nulis d sni soalny ini trlalu personal.gw kasi cerminanny aja lwt spotong lagu:
oh it's you that i've waited so long
don't know if it's right
but i'm giving it a try
don't know i might
or not?
cos when i want to reach you
you don't hold up your hand
cos you got it busy with someone else
now it's all in vain
i'm so sick and i'm tired
of trying to take you around
just too bad
it doesn't matter anymore
it doesn't matter to you
how could it matter to me?
guess i'm wrong
maybe another year, huh?
just wait and see
sorry, but i think you should know
of all i write in this song
of all i sing in this song
it's just you in my head
now it's nothing more important
but i never give up on you, just so you know
maybe another year
yeah right kayak gtu lah kira2 cuma ancur2 an.g ad nadany sumpah. yah you get the point lah..iy sebel bgt.gw ampe bt, g smngt, pgnny tidur aj.mgkin slmany (bcnda).
gw masi niat idup kok cuma yah...namany jg bt kesel sebel bla bla bla.
ntar jg biasa lagi.tng sja..
okay that's all from me today.i'm not writing much huh?
iy abisny yah gtu dh...
pkokny gw pny suatu harapan yg saat ini masih jauh dri jngkauan gw..sgt jauh malah
bukan cita2..itu bodo amat masi lama
yah yg simple aj like everybody called love.i've got myself a heartbreak now.that's why i hate fragile stuffs and my heart's fragile stuffs.
yah pkokny gw bermasalah.sori g bs nulis d sni soalny ini trlalu personal.gw kasi cerminanny aja lwt spotong lagu:
oh it's you that i've waited so long
don't know if it's right
but i'm giving it a try
don't know i might
or not?
cos when i want to reach you
you don't hold up your hand
cos you got it busy with someone else
now it's all in vain
i'm so sick and i'm tired
of trying to take you around
just too bad
it doesn't matter anymore
it doesn't matter to you
how could it matter to me?
guess i'm wrong
maybe another year, huh?
just wait and see
sorry, but i think you should know
of all i write in this song
of all i sing in this song
it's just you in my head
now it's nothing more important
but i never give up on you, just so you know
maybe another year
yeah right kayak gtu lah kira2 cuma ancur2 an.g ad nadany sumpah. yah you get the point lah..iy sebel bgt.gw ampe bt, g smngt, pgnny tidur aj.mgkin slmany (bcnda).
gw masi niat idup kok cuma yah...namany jg bt kesel sebel bla bla bla.
ntar jg biasa lagi.tng sja..
okay that's all from me today.i'm not writing much huh?
bt gw sebel >:O
aaaaa sumpah gw kesel banget hari ini. awalny si biasa aj yah tpi lama2 uhhh...
y mslh tu gara2 BI gw lupa klo hri ni quiz...cupu
oklah inti masalahny tu y gw kesel aj gra2 satu cewe yg perek abis.sumpah tnyain aj org2.klo dy g ngpa2in gw g akn kesel kyk gini tpi trnyt dy ud klwtan!
gw g suka aj si dy deket2in si dia.gw sebel sebel sebel bgt!!!gw tw gw g pnya hak bwt marah krn si cewe dktin dy tpi yah gmn y...gw g rela aj.abis,ud lama bgt gw nunggu slalu ad org laen gmn gw g bt?tpi gw g mw nyerah dulu.
soal yg cewe itu sbnrny gw msi interpret klo s dy ttman ama tu cewe tpi gw g tw bener ap g..tpi ini gnggu bgt.
dillema gw
y mslh tu gara2 BI gw lupa klo hri ni quiz...cupu
oklah inti masalahny tu y gw kesel aj gra2 satu cewe yg perek abis.sumpah tnyain aj org2.klo dy g ngpa2in gw g akn kesel kyk gini tpi trnyt dy ud klwtan!
gw g suka aj si dy deket2in si dia.gw sebel sebel sebel bgt!!!gw tw gw g pnya hak bwt marah krn si cewe dktin dy tpi yah gmn y...gw g rela aj.abis,ud lama bgt gw nunggu slalu ad org laen gmn gw g bt?tpi gw g mw nyerah dulu.
soal yg cewe itu sbnrny gw msi interpret klo s dy ttman ama tu cewe tpi gw g tw bener ap g..tpi ini gnggu bgt.
dillema gw
Guru v.s Me - 0-1 !!!
haha seneng gw pas tdi les guru gw akhirny mengakui kesalahanny!!! hahaha bangga trnyta murid bs mengajar guru (Y)!
aduuu gw lg knp y?g tw dh pkokny gw seneng bgt tdi tes lari gw bener2 ngucurin smua tenaga gw n lari as swift as the wind!! wah ud masuk art of war tuh jahahhaa (ga nymbung)
ok sbnrny gw bingung dh akhir2 ni.gw kyk tw si dy lg ttman ama syp cuma gw g psti tpi kok dy *ga geer* care ama gw?ad ap ini? hahaha gw sih bawa santai dulu cos i might be the one to talk it to his heart again.maybe. tpi gw sng ud lmyan d prhatiin cuman kdg gw ngrsa gini, 'kok lw ngejauin gw?' ato 'ad ap si?kok sedih/murung/mesem/etc?'
gw trllu bnyk bertny!! parah kamu sil(?)!! stres dah gw pusing ndiri dah.bener tpi gw srg kpikir gtu.mw nnya g brni, takut salah ato g enak cuma gw pgn blg k dy gtu, 'give me a chance.you know how i feel to you and i know' ato tptny i 'used' to know...
aaa sebel knp gw dulu g iya-in aj ?!tpi g ad guna gw kek gtu.itu namany org cupu klo regret trus.lama2 jdi trash ato rubbish.kan jelek?g bgt bwt org kek gw hahhaa (najis lw sil)
g us bnyk cing cong, bnyk bgt prtnyaan yg pgn gw tnyain k dy mulai dri awal ktmu smpe skrg dan masi blm trjwb.gw pgn nny tpi..yah suatu saat dh.gw pgn liat dulu k dpn. so who's gonna be on your next line?come on, i know you have one in mind rite?
haha kidding:)
ok sbnrny gw bingung dh akhir2 ni.gw kyk tw si dy lg ttman ama syp cuma gw g psti tpi kok dy *ga geer* care ama gw?ad ap ini? hahaha gw sih bawa santai dulu cos i might be the one to talk it to his heart again.maybe. tpi gw sng ud lmyan d prhatiin cuman kdg gw ngrsa gini, 'kok lw ngejauin gw?' ato 'ad ap si?kok sedih/murung/mesem/etc?'
gw trllu bnyk bertny!! parah kamu sil(?)!! stres dah gw pusing ndiri dah.bener tpi gw srg kpikir gtu.mw nnya g brni, takut salah ato g enak cuma gw pgn blg k dy gtu, 'give me a chance.you know how i feel to you and i know' ato tptny i 'used' to know...
aaa sebel knp gw dulu g iya-in aj ?!tpi g ad guna gw kek gtu.itu namany org cupu klo regret trus.lama2 jdi trash ato rubbish.kan jelek?g bgt bwt org kek gw hahhaa (najis lw sil)
g us bnyk cing cong, bnyk bgt prtnyaan yg pgn gw tnyain k dy mulai dri awal ktmu smpe skrg dan masi blm trjwb.gw pgn nny tpi..yah suatu saat dh.gw pgn liat dulu k dpn. so who's gonna be on your next line?come on, i know you have one in mind rite?
haha kidding:)
hey soul sister
kenapa nama judulny hey soul sister?
maksudny judul laguny si Train kereta api itu loh bukan post gw.
iy knp soul sister?
cewe lw soul sister maksudny apa coba?
aduu gw jd kgn yah masa2 pny pacar tpi namany jg idup gw psti g akan2 trus pnya pacar karena...
sumpah gw stress abis gara2 gw lg kepkiran si dia soalny tdi pagi dy tuh kliatanny murung bgt.good thing he got lots of friends.yeah dy emg orgny baek sih jdi pny tmn bnyk dh.
y ampun knp jdi doi?hahha pasti gara soul sister
rese tuh lagu kn bwt band gw ama teman2 KIR hahaha
knp gw lg optimis bgt y akhir2 ini? g optimis tpi rada2 gmn gtu trus paranoid gw mulai dh klo soal dia..
parah gw harus konsen proyek kok malah paranoid ama dia sih?!
anak bodoh
maksudny judul laguny si Train kereta api itu loh bukan post gw.
iy knp soul sister?
cewe lw soul sister maksudny apa coba?
aduu gw jd kgn yah masa2 pny pacar tpi namany jg idup gw psti g akan2 trus pnya pacar karena...
sumpah gw stress abis gara2 gw lg kepkiran si dia soalny tdi pagi dy tuh kliatanny murung bgt.good thing he got lots of friends.yeah dy emg orgny baek sih jdi pny tmn bnyk dh.
y ampun knp jdi doi?hahha pasti gara soul sister
rese tuh lagu kn bwt band gw ama teman2 KIR hahaha
knp gw lg optimis bgt y akhir2 ini? g optimis tpi rada2 gmn gtu trus paranoid gw mulai dh klo soal dia..
parah gw harus konsen proyek kok malah paranoid ama dia sih?!
anak bodoh
yeah and it said crap i mean crap!
damn i need to finish the presentation and do the MIE crazy homework!!!
not to mention physics.ain't that shit?
then again, i really need to work hard especially now that i'm in the 9th grade.this could only mean one(or two) thing(s):
wuoo that's pretty scary if I fail anyway.but i'll vow this; that i will pass this grade and move on to the next level with the best score i could ever get in my whole life up until now!
YEAH!!! please support me in achieving a scholarship to Australia (for college). maybe i could find a nice one to go :)
damn i need to finish the presentation and do the MIE crazy homework!!!
not to mention physics.ain't that shit?
then again, i really need to work hard especially now that i'm in the 9th grade.this could only mean one(or two) thing(s):
wuoo that's pretty scary if I fail anyway.but i'll vow this; that i will pass this grade and move on to the next level with the best score i could ever get in my whole life up until now!
YEAH!!! please support me in achieving a scholarship to Australia (for college). maybe i could find a nice one to go :)
guru dan aku
jadi ini adalah cerita antara guru gw dan gw pada saat les hari ini. sebut saja Ms. N
jadi kn ada pernyataan kyk gini:
"the coconut palm _______ by the breeze"
nah gw d suru nyari sinonim yang moved slowly dan jawaban ny antara lain
1. moved
2. waved
3. swayed
4. fluttered
gw: Ms, jawabanny swayed kan?
Ms: ah masa sih. It must be fluttered. let me check the dictionary (*ngambil dictionary oxford yang guede banget)
*liat2 bntr*
Ms: fluttered, moving lightly and quickly.so it must have been fluttered
gw: tapi Ms kn klo d indonesiain kn gini: melambai-lambai, nyiur d pantai!! harusny waved klo g swayed!!!
Ms: g bs, waved itu melambai dlm konteks manusia
gw: kn personification MS
Ms: *speechless* aduh coba kamu membayangkan flutter tuh gmn
gw: kyk terbang gtu Ms, kn enteng trus kyk feather gtu kn
Ms: *speechless* oo ok d hahhaa..
gw: swayed kn brarti??
Ms: bntr liat dictionary
*liat trus baca*
Ms; swayed, the act of moving slowly
gw: tuh mstiny swayed kan? y kan? ayo lah ms ms ms?
Ms: *bete* ah y ud dh swayed nnti tnya Ms. L yah
gw: nah gitu dong!!
gw tw ini g jls smua krn trnyt gw ktm guru lama gw pas mnt les private OMG
jadi kn ada pernyataan kyk gini:
"the coconut palm _______ by the breeze"
nah gw d suru nyari sinonim yang moved slowly dan jawaban ny antara lain
1. moved
2. waved
3. swayed
4. fluttered
gw: Ms, jawabanny swayed kan?
Ms: ah masa sih. It must be fluttered. let me check the dictionary (*ngambil dictionary oxford yang guede banget)
*liat2 bntr*
Ms: fluttered, moving lightly and quickly.so it must have been fluttered
gw: tapi Ms kn klo d indonesiain kn gini: melambai-lambai, nyiur d pantai!! harusny waved klo g swayed!!!
Ms: g bs, waved itu melambai dlm konteks manusia
gw: kn personification MS
Ms: *speechless* aduh coba kamu membayangkan flutter tuh gmn
gw: kyk terbang gtu Ms, kn enteng trus kyk feather gtu kn
Ms: *speechless* oo ok d hahhaa..
gw: swayed kn brarti??
Ms: bntr liat dictionary
*liat trus baca*
Ms; swayed, the act of moving slowly
gw: tuh mstiny swayed kan? y kan? ayo lah ms ms ms?
Ms: *bete* ah y ud dh swayed nnti tnya Ms. L yah
gw: nah gitu dong!!
gw tw ini g jls smua krn trnyt gw ktm guru lama gw pas mnt les private OMG
iseng dan huaaaaa
aduhai guys
let's start with english awwright?RIGHT!!!
yeah so today, well not really something to tell
it's just that it wasn't a bad day, for sure
i really enjoyed it perhaps
going to a private lesson at 6 PM?!?!?!
you're kidding me.well it was my idea.how stupid.
it's not entirely stupid but i may as well enjoy it to learn some TOEFL for my college.yeah I'm going to Australia!!! (going college with cows hahahaha)
man I can't wait to get my TOEFL and ESL as well
they said it's hard but, nah i don't care what people said
as long as i have the will i can fight and you can't take it away from me, weks
ok let's go INDO!!!
nah hari ni gw bener2 g nyangka.ternyata presentasi IPS klompok gw maju jg! tae,gw kira minggu depan ato kapan kek. sebel gw. y ud lah nasib mw gmn. pusing
OR dgn bodohny tdi tuh yg cewe pada d marahin gara2 kaga mw cepet baris.yah mrk jg sih salah.huh padahal kn g us gtu (yang cewe:ampe harus pake brisik). y krn gw pihak cewe dan berkelamin jg cewe, y gw jg slah y. so bu naning maaf yah:(
ok nanti lagi ya see ya!
let's start with english awwright?RIGHT!!!
yeah so today, well not really something to tell
it's just that it wasn't a bad day, for sure
i really enjoyed it perhaps
going to a private lesson at 6 PM?!?!?!
you're kidding me.well it was my idea.how stupid.
it's not entirely stupid but i may as well enjoy it to learn some TOEFL for my college.yeah I'm going to Australia!!! (going college with cows hahahaha)
man I can't wait to get my TOEFL and ESL as well
they said it's hard but, nah i don't care what people said
as long as i have the will i can fight and you can't take it away from me, weks
ok let's go INDO!!!
nah hari ni gw bener2 g nyangka.ternyata presentasi IPS klompok gw maju jg! tae,gw kira minggu depan ato kapan kek. sebel gw. y ud lah nasib mw gmn. pusing
OR dgn bodohny tdi tuh yg cewe pada d marahin gara2 kaga mw cepet baris.yah mrk jg sih salah.huh padahal kn g us gtu (yang cewe:ampe harus pake brisik). y krn gw pihak cewe dan berkelamin jg cewe, y gw jg slah y. so bu naning maaf yah:(
ok nanti lagi ya see ya!
crushed, by the sweetest lips i've never kissed and your fingertips,the warmest touch that I've always missed
OMG i'm really crushed like bugs.shit shit shit i gotta think of something else hahaha lucu
tae tulisanny jdi aneh kok ganti2?bodo ah
cape gw malesin bgt g sih
idup gw ni pertama: it's a mad world.

But at times, I don't care like that.
But when I care, it twitches me hard.It's like eating nails
And when I'm at lost, I know I'll be crying whenever alone.
But then, thinking of you makes me happy:)
That's why I could live. All because of you:) thank you.
OMG i'm really crushed like bugs.shit shit shit i gotta think of something else hahaha lucu
tae tulisanny jdi aneh kok ganti2?bodo ah
cape gw malesin bgt g sih
idup gw ni pertama: it's a mad world.

But at times, I don't care like that.

But when I care, it twitches me hard.It's like eating nails

And when I'm at lost, I know I'll be crying whenever alone.

But then, thinking of you makes me happy:)

That's why I could live. All because of you:) thank you.
hi guys
so yeah this is gonna be personal journal by the way
i hope no YUDHI is here or any of his 'kids'
yeah so on to what i'm trying to say:
see, i've been sucking up my life. yeah real sucks
i hate it that way and the way that i've been having this weird thing in my head..
oh God..it's all coming back again
longing for this feeling
with the very same you years ago
maybe it's just baffling
but he would have guess and would have know
can't let that catch up too soon
or i'm gonna regret this
he's too good for me now
with all the tune that he could play
all over the hills and far away
oh shit what the duck is that?
bla bla bla i want to change the language now:
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gw sebel.lw sadar g sih?
gw sih mikir lw sadar tpi masa gw berharap ketinggian.lgpula gw sedih bgt wktu lw blg bgt.
nusuk bgt, gw tw ap2.sumpah gw cupu abis.
worst thing that could happen, if your loved ones actually with another person that is not you.
ah gw g mw pcran dulu gpp. SMA aj nnti biar gw fokus UAN tpi klo gw g tw dy ngrsa ap k gw dan trnyt dy g searah ama gw, aduuu gmn yah.down bgt tuh..tpi he has a choice.
i'm not taking that away from him.tpi dy ud trlalu lama dgn choiceny ampe gw g dy liat.
you said that months ago.i wish you could have remember it.
so yeah this is gonna be personal journal by the way
i hope no YUDHI is here or any of his 'kids'
yeah so on to what i'm trying to say:
see, i've been sucking up my life. yeah real sucks
i hate it that way and the way that i've been having this weird thing in my head..
oh God..it's all coming back again
longing for this feeling
with the very same you years ago
maybe it's just baffling
but he would have guess and would have know
can't let that catch up too soon
or i'm gonna regret this
he's too good for me now
with all the tune that he could play
all over the hills and far away
oh shit what the duck is that?
bla bla bla i want to change the language now:
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gw sebel.lw sadar g sih?
gw sih mikir lw sadar tpi masa gw berharap ketinggian.lgpula gw sedih bgt wktu lw blg bgt.
nusuk bgt, gw tw ap2.sumpah gw cupu abis.
worst thing that could happen, if your loved ones actually with another person that is not you.
ah gw g mw pcran dulu gpp. SMA aj nnti biar gw fokus UAN tpi klo gw g tw dy ngrsa ap k gw dan trnyt dy g searah ama gw, aduuu gmn yah.down bgt tuh..tpi he has a choice.
i'm not taking that away from him.tpi dy ud trlalu lama dgn choiceny ampe gw g dy liat.
you said that months ago.i wish you could have remember it.
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