hei guys:)
ud lama gw g post blog hahaha sejak libur tuh jadi mls..tetep aj mls skrg
bahahaha..eniwei gw mw crita nih tpi y gmn y..rada mls
soalny tiap kli gw crita psti ad yg brubah2 gtu...g jls dh klo gw ngmng d sini so gw crita hal yang sewajar2ny aj ok?
ok d hahaha hari ni gitar gw 'TEAR' d rental oleh band the Fever (uoooo) tpi sayang, band Fever g jadi pentas T_T...too bad man.
padahal saya mw liat rio nnyi you'll be in my heart (NOH!)
yah...smg laen kli jadi..art performance gtu.trus jg smoga gw bs tmpil lagi januari pas pesta natal:) (amin)
hahahaha gw ud mw cba lagu2ny final fantasy gw mix jadi 1 biar keren jadi lguny nyambung2 gtu kn asik! hahahha tpi g tw jg sih ntar gw d protes pak lius lagi g blh lama2 T_T
nooooooh...pdhl gw pengen!
yea tpi klo gw blg g bnyk org jg peduli ama piano (kasian)...
sedih gila.parah bgt piano tuh bkin pegel ati bnyk org kykny..susah mnghibur dgn piano! masa msti jazz?! my ass..gw mls
hahahha maaf bkn brrti gw g suka jazz tpi maenny itu gila..g tw diri bgt
ud lah gw stres
i am evil ?
saya kira bgtu...mngp? yah krn gw itu jahat...why why?
yah pkokny gw itu jahat!
ad sisi gw baek tpi gw brasa jauh lbh jahat drpd baek!!!
gw kdg brhrp org yg gw g suka ato bahkan gw bnci mnding mati, g us blik k dunia ini lagi. gw kdg brhrp seandainy gw bs mmbunuh ssorang yg bnr2 gw sebel, g pduli syp pun itu.gw brhrp gw bs ngncurin stu tmpt yg gw bnci, brhrp gw bs bunuh seorang ato lbh dri 1 org guru krn gw g suka dy, gw brhrp gw bs ngncurin laptop gw sndiri biar dpt laptop baru, gw berharap kluarga gw tunduk sma gw, gw brhrp gw brkuasa dll.
gw rasa tulisan d atas cukup jahat.lbh jahatny lgi, gw brhrp gw bs sllu dpt ap yg gw mw g pduli apapun carany (minumny teh botol sosro) !
iy...gw blg jahat abis..
wah parah lw sil
so gw pun bingung...knp gw msi d biarkan hidup?pdhl gw jahatny bkn maen.masi ad org yg pduli sma gw, g pduli gw jahat bgt sama mrk.masi ad org yg mw mncintai gw pdhl gw ud ud jahat bgt sma mrk,ud bkin sakit ati mgkin aj gw ud bkin mrk hmpir bunuh diri. knp?
gw pny prtnyaan yg bwt gw sndiri bingung:
'knp gw d lhirkan? untuk ap? tujuan gw ap?'
prtnyaan ini slalu ad d kpala gw..yah gmn y..nny org gw jamin pada kaga tw adany gw yg bingung sndiri..gtu dh mkny.seandainy ad yg bs jwb prtnyaan gw dan betul, gw mw ngbulin satu permintaan dh (sebisa gw dan sesuai dgn kondisi gw).ap aj selama, memenuhi kriteria pda kalimat sblmny. hahhaa
bs baca kn?
trima kasih tlh mmbaca blog aneh ini. trutma pada hari ini..aneh bgt, jgn trllu d pkirkan makasi:)
yah pkokny gw itu jahat!
ad sisi gw baek tpi gw brasa jauh lbh jahat drpd baek!!!
gw kdg brhrp org yg gw g suka ato bahkan gw bnci mnding mati, g us blik k dunia ini lagi. gw kdg brhrp seandainy gw bs mmbunuh ssorang yg bnr2 gw sebel, g pduli syp pun itu.gw brhrp gw bs ngncurin stu tmpt yg gw bnci, brhrp gw bs bunuh seorang ato lbh dri 1 org guru krn gw g suka dy, gw brhrp gw bs ngncurin laptop gw sndiri biar dpt laptop baru, gw berharap kluarga gw tunduk sma gw, gw brhrp gw brkuasa dll.
gw rasa tulisan d atas cukup jahat.lbh jahatny lgi, gw brhrp gw bs sllu dpt ap yg gw mw g pduli apapun carany (minumny teh botol sosro) !
iy...gw blg jahat abis..
wah parah lw sil
so gw pun bingung...knp gw msi d biarkan hidup?pdhl gw jahatny bkn maen.masi ad org yg pduli sma gw, g pduli gw jahat bgt sama mrk.masi ad org yg mw mncintai gw pdhl gw ud ud jahat bgt sma mrk,ud bkin sakit ati mgkin aj gw ud bkin mrk hmpir bunuh diri. knp?
gw pny prtnyaan yg bwt gw sndiri bingung:
'knp gw d lhirkan? untuk ap? tujuan gw ap?'
prtnyaan ini slalu ad d kpala gw..yah gmn y..nny org gw jamin pada kaga tw adany gw yg bingung sndiri..gtu dh mkny.seandainy ad yg bs jwb prtnyaan gw dan betul, gw mw ngbulin satu permintaan dh (sebisa gw dan sesuai dgn kondisi gw).ap aj selama, memenuhi kriteria pda kalimat sblmny. hahhaa
bs baca kn?
trima kasih tlh mmbaca blog aneh ini. trutma pada hari ini..aneh bgt, jgn trllu d pkirkan makasi:)
i'm no good girl
yeah sprti judul d atas, gw g bs d blg orang yg bener2 g baek..
pengen gtu yah jadi anak baek, trus bnyk tmn, yah pemalu, yah yg simple!
yang normal! g kyk gw!
yah gmn soalny tuh gini:
everytime you want to help someone, you ruin it and they dislike you or else cos most people do, believe it.
i want to be trustworthy, yet people thinks i'm not good enough.they always want more from me and i'll just end up suffering in my own despair.
when they need me, i'll be there and ready to help, but they think i'm just getting in their way or something.
and all the bad things, that's my life.
once i ever lose everything in my life and the next i did was the intention to kill myself.but God still loves me for who i am, and here i am, a stronger, better person.i don't know how people thinks of me but here's what i think, they think of me:
ingrate, loudmouth, unworthy, stupid, arrogant, maniac, lazy,kepo, geek, nerd and many other things.
i'm just being honest, maybe you're right! I AM THAT KIND OF PERSON!
I AM NOT A GOOD GIRL AS YOU MAY THINK! just becos i help them doesn't always count as something good right? what if i help them to do something bad and i didn't know about it and it the end i was accused wrongly?
it happens.it did.
and when there're many things i want and when i fight for it, i lost it and i give up easily.i suck at many things.i'm a loner, i was called emo but that ain't me.i never hated the world, i just hate the way it moves at me.
but then again, i never lose hope.not once ever more.even if in the end i must lost, then so be it. i will try as much to gain something and to give everything with all of me.i want to be accepted by others and i must accept myself.
commiting to others and also commited to oneself. i am as much as loser but i won't let that name hangs for the rest of my life.
i'm just me.
i think of the world this way:
'you and i live in two different worlds.maybe you live in the fantasy where most of your dream came true.me?i lived in the world called reality, where good things never happen to me and that's why, i have to fight for it, by myself if i must.'
and here i am, nothing but a human.human perhaps with the soul of warrior.perhaps.
i always takes demon as my name but the real me?
anybody's guess...
pengen gtu yah jadi anak baek, trus bnyk tmn, yah pemalu, yah yg simple!
yang normal! g kyk gw!
yah gmn soalny tuh gini:
everytime you want to help someone, you ruin it and they dislike you or else cos most people do, believe it.
i want to be trustworthy, yet people thinks i'm not good enough.they always want more from me and i'll just end up suffering in my own despair.
when they need me, i'll be there and ready to help, but they think i'm just getting in their way or something.
and all the bad things, that's my life.
once i ever lose everything in my life and the next i did was the intention to kill myself.but God still loves me for who i am, and here i am, a stronger, better person.i don't know how people thinks of me but here's what i think, they think of me:
ingrate, loudmouth, unworthy, stupid, arrogant, maniac, lazy,kepo, geek, nerd and many other things.
i'm just being honest, maybe you're right! I AM THAT KIND OF PERSON!
I AM NOT A GOOD GIRL AS YOU MAY THINK! just becos i help them doesn't always count as something good right? what if i help them to do something bad and i didn't know about it and it the end i was accused wrongly?
it happens.it did.
and when there're many things i want and when i fight for it, i lost it and i give up easily.i suck at many things.i'm a loner, i was called emo but that ain't me.i never hated the world, i just hate the way it moves at me.
but then again, i never lose hope.not once ever more.even if in the end i must lost, then so be it. i will try as much to gain something and to give everything with all of me.i want to be accepted by others and i must accept myself.
commiting to others and also commited to oneself. i am as much as loser but i won't let that name hangs for the rest of my life.
i'm just me.
i think of the world this way:
'you and i live in two different worlds.maybe you live in the fantasy where most of your dream came true.me?i lived in the world called reality, where good things never happen to me and that's why, i have to fight for it, by myself if i must.'
and here i am, nothing but a human.human perhaps with the soul of warrior.perhaps.
i always takes demon as my name but the real me?
anybody's guess...
Doakan saya survive....di liburan ini
yeah doakan saya!soalny bakal sibuk bgt nih!noooooooooh
yes noh bgt msti bnyk krja jg trnyt drpd bwt pr.ngmg2 pr gw blm bwt gsp.makin noh!
ahhhhhhh gw sebel bgt ttp ad pr.mana projek gw jg blm slese.teoteot
monyong lah.ah gw mkin bt sih krn gw rasa, s cw yg d sukain dy tuh msi suka, tpi g mw jujur!!!!
gw g suka crny, mnding lnsg jujur aj napa!jdi gw tw ap yg hrs gw lakuin next!gw tuh ud gregetan sndri.
but i don't have the rights to own you nor you owning me but i still take my chances even if i would have failed in the end.at least i failed with trying than doing nothing no?
huaaa tpi gw sedih aj..psti gw akan ad rasa iri dan sebgainy pdhl aku tak pnya hak!
maafkan aku...
gw jd mrsa gw tak bs menandingi cewe itu..gw brsa lose hope tapi gw rasa itu bkn akhr dri line gw.seandainy mereka jdian, fine gw akan mundur.tpi gw g akn mundur slmny dri posisi bestfren dan akan sllu bntu dy..dan menunggu my time
yes noh bgt msti bnyk krja jg trnyt drpd bwt pr.ngmg2 pr gw blm bwt gsp.makin noh!
ahhhhhhh gw sebel bgt ttp ad pr.mana projek gw jg blm slese.teoteot
monyong lah.ah gw mkin bt sih krn gw rasa, s cw yg d sukain dy tuh msi suka, tpi g mw jujur!!!!
gw g suka crny, mnding lnsg jujur aj napa!jdi gw tw ap yg hrs gw lakuin next!gw tuh ud gregetan sndri.
but i don't have the rights to own you nor you owning me but i still take my chances even if i would have failed in the end.at least i failed with trying than doing nothing no?
huaaa tpi gw sedih aj..psti gw akan ad rasa iri dan sebgainy pdhl aku tak pnya hak!
maafkan aku...
gw jd mrsa gw tak bs menandingi cewe itu..gw brsa lose hope tapi gw rasa itu bkn akhr dri line gw.seandainy mereka jdian, fine gw akan mundur.tpi gw g akn mundur slmny dri posisi bestfren dan akan sllu bntu dy..dan menunggu my time
Walk with me
Walk with me? yeah ini untuk menjelaskan perubahan hidup gw..gw rasa lumayan drastis yah..see gw itu dulu:
g bisa ap2
maen nabok
males bgt
gmpng marah
bokep abis
gmpng nangis (cengeng tai babi)
tpi sekarang gw telah melihat perbedaan diri gw...sgt jelas skali saya pun tak menyangka:
makin gelo
pede abis
maen kata
bokep makin berkelas
optimis optimis parno
ud mnggunakan cops yg brarti ud g cupu
ud bs bnyk hal (makan tidur maen)
dll i'msocoollike
yeah but sometimes gw pikir gini:
"who walks with me when I change my path? Anyone?"
not many walks with me actually.
ad wktu itu 1 cowo.dy mnghrpkan prubahan dri gw ..oke gw brubah kn dan gw mnta ama dy tlg jagain gw untuk brubah.dy oke2 aj.fine
gw jlnin sprti biasa, mncoba ingt untuk brubah.ok gw prlhn brubah. eh twny, org itu ninggalin gw pas gw lagi butuh2ny
wktu itu gw bnr2 sdih smpe doooooooooooooooown bgt tpi skrg ud i don't care.
trus gw ktmu tmn2 gw yg lm dan gw blg k mrk gw coba brubah..1 per1 ninggalin, cuma mnyisakan 1 of the best from all of them.cuma anak ini yang bener2 ngejagain gw slma gw brubah.
trnyt, dy aj g cukup, gw brtm kmbli dgn musuh gw dan kt bersilahturahmi (maaf2an).kt bener2 keren krn tali silahturahmi kita tuh cpet bgt until bestfriends.gw pun akhrny blg klo gw mw brubah bla bla bla.dy akhrny nyemangatin gw abis2an, support sebesar2ny.gw seneng bgt.g prlu gw sbut namany, you know me:)
trus 3 bestfriend laenny, cowo (yg d ats jg) itu pun smua gw mnta bntu brubah tpi cma 1 d antara 3 yg tanggapanny bener2 ngerasa bwt gw.thanks bgt..you know me well:)
yah pkokny klo gw sortir yg bener2 ad bwt...3 orang
3 people who actually walks with me all this time
Thanks guys, you're always be in my heart (Y)
love you guys
thanks for all this time
g bisa ap2
maen nabok
males bgt
gmpng marah
bokep abis
gmpng nangis (cengeng tai babi)
tpi sekarang gw telah melihat perbedaan diri gw...sgt jelas skali saya pun tak menyangka:
makin gelo
pede abis
maen kata
bokep makin berkelas
optimis optimis parno
ud mnggunakan cops yg brarti ud g cupu
ud bs bnyk hal (makan tidur maen)
dll i'msocoollike
yeah but sometimes gw pikir gini:
"who walks with me when I change my path? Anyone?"
not many walks with me actually.
ad wktu itu 1 cowo.dy mnghrpkan prubahan dri gw ..oke gw brubah kn dan gw mnta ama dy tlg jagain gw untuk brubah.dy oke2 aj.fine
gw jlnin sprti biasa, mncoba ingt untuk brubah.ok gw prlhn brubah. eh twny, org itu ninggalin gw pas gw lagi butuh2ny
wktu itu gw bnr2 sdih smpe doooooooooooooooown bgt tpi skrg ud i don't care.
trus gw ktmu tmn2 gw yg lm dan gw blg k mrk gw coba brubah..1 per1 ninggalin, cuma mnyisakan 1 of the best from all of them.cuma anak ini yang bener2 ngejagain gw slma gw brubah.
trnyt, dy aj g cukup, gw brtm kmbli dgn musuh gw dan kt bersilahturahmi (maaf2an).kt bener2 keren krn tali silahturahmi kita tuh cpet bgt until bestfriends.gw pun akhrny blg klo gw mw brubah bla bla bla.dy akhrny nyemangatin gw abis2an, support sebesar2ny.gw seneng bgt.g prlu gw sbut namany, you know me:)
trus 3 bestfriend laenny, cowo (yg d ats jg) itu pun smua gw mnta bntu brubah tpi cma 1 d antara 3 yg tanggapanny bener2 ngerasa bwt gw.thanks bgt..you know me well:)
yah pkokny klo gw sortir yg bener2 ad bwt...3 orang
3 people who actually walks with me all this time
Thanks guys, you're always be in my heart (Y)
love you guys
thanks for all this time
ugh I hate my dad's act!
yeah! he's been too damn headstrong these days!hard as rock and that ain't funny!!!
ah gw sebel tpi gw g bs tulis skrg soalny ud mw d pake ntar dh kpn2 hahhahha!!!
g lucu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE!
ah gw sebel tpi gw g bs tulis skrg soalny ud mw d pake ntar dh kpn2 hahhahha!!!
g lucu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE!
gw sbel bonyok gw!
tai sebel bgt gw !!!!!!!! msa gw g blh kersos bgi2 baju?!
emg knp sih?! masalah bgt!
alasanny suru bgi k panti, beres.
yeah bgus
bgi panti gtu...mana ad pnti org dewasa?!pikir dong!
gw g suka cara pikir org dewasa yg skrg tu msi g mw brbgi gtu trmsuk ortu gw.kdg gw kesel knp g mw..knp mwny gmpng bwt yg spele..krna mnrut gw ini bukan hal spele soalny ini nilai gw!!
klo ksi panti doang bukan kerja sosial namany!!
NGOCOL BGT SIH IH BETE GW!!!! kesel stngh idup!!! huh...trus mw d apain tu baju maenan smua brg ud gw kumpulin susah payah eh..lariny k panti asuhan yg uda kaya..oh no way..msi bnyk desa2 yg butuh brang!panti asuhan tuh skrg maen curang!klo gw ktmu satu panti asuhan yg g curang, puji Tuhan karyany masi ad sma si pndiri pnti asuhan yang jujur!!itu baru panti asuhan!!!
org skrg mwny gmpng sih..lw (ortu) ngmng k gw klo gw mwny gmpng terus, skrg giliran gw mw susah2 cri nilai eh lw suru gw cri yg gmpng!!!
klo gw blh ngancurin ap aj, nih laptop ud msuk kuburan kli..sayangny, gw msi menyanyangimu darling..geli hahhaahah maaf vaio sayang
g brmksd tpi ak brmksd mnggntimu dgn apple muahahhahaaha bcnda :)
ah pake smiley face!gw g ad smiley face skrg!! mls gw bete marah kesel sebel!!
emg knp sih?! masalah bgt!
alasanny suru bgi k panti, beres.
yeah bgus
bgi panti gtu...mana ad pnti org dewasa?!pikir dong!
gw g suka cara pikir org dewasa yg skrg tu msi g mw brbgi gtu trmsuk ortu gw.kdg gw kesel knp g mw..knp mwny gmpng bwt yg spele..krna mnrut gw ini bukan hal spele soalny ini nilai gw!!
klo ksi panti doang bukan kerja sosial namany!!
NGOCOL BGT SIH IH BETE GW!!!! kesel stngh idup!!! huh...trus mw d apain tu baju maenan smua brg ud gw kumpulin susah payah eh..lariny k panti asuhan yg uda kaya..oh no way..msi bnyk desa2 yg butuh brang!panti asuhan tuh skrg maen curang!klo gw ktmu satu panti asuhan yg g curang, puji Tuhan karyany masi ad sma si pndiri pnti asuhan yang jujur!!itu baru panti asuhan!!!
org skrg mwny gmpng sih..lw (ortu) ngmng k gw klo gw mwny gmpng terus, skrg giliran gw mw susah2 cri nilai eh lw suru gw cri yg gmpng!!!
klo gw blh ngancurin ap aj, nih laptop ud msuk kuburan kli..sayangny, gw msi menyanyangimu darling..geli hahhaahah maaf vaio sayang
g brmksd tpi ak brmksd mnggntimu dgn apple muahahhahaaha bcnda :)
ah pake smiley face!gw g ad smiley face skrg!! mls gw bete marah kesel sebel!!
post hari ini:)
yooo ini lah hari ini!!! (ngrti g?)
ok kta mulai dri pagi gw bngun tidur.tdk akan mendetail tpi yah...you'll see
jam 6 pagi d kamar..gw, tntu saja, masih molor..krn gw mls bngun.sbnrny ud bngun cuma lgi adem aj d kamar yhhhh tidur lagi dh, pnjgin mimpi (bisa loh hahha)..
eh bokap ikutan..masuk kamar nnyi hati sbgai hamba ...astaga
alarm macam mana itu?!apa ini?!
agak berlebihan soalny bokap masuk, duduk d ranjang gw matiin ac, kluar lagi...bah
gnggu tidur..y ud abis tu d triakin..pagi yg tdk tntram..
lalu ud siap2, abis melakukan brbagai ritual wktu pmbntu pulang, gw mndi, mkn dll dan g lupa maen piano:)
nah jam 8 tuh ud pda dtg k rmh gw..y prtm si tasia, trus jane trus cumi..eh tella ketinggalan soalny kta mw k pasar bwt bli kntong plstik ama mie instan..
tot hrgny mahal amt s kerdos.sbel gw..y ud akhrny dgn brat hati mngeluarkan uang 135 ribu bwt 3 krdos mie instan dan 8500 bwt kntong plstik..do the math.
ud bis tu pulang.eh tella g ad..ad gw yg bingung..y ud kt mulai krja smbl foto2 dh hahhahaa.akhrny tella nonggol..
maimen kita akhrny ikutan krja...lama bngt krja msukin kntong plstik dgn susu kotakan, beras ama mie instan..omaigoat.
akhrny selesai stlh bribu kringat bercucuran...gw merasa otot tgn kanan gw brkmbng (lagi)..mampus berat sebelah jahahhaa.
trus kt nyari2 kliling desa dh.prtm desa dkt ...lupa pkokny alsut lah.ad gang lwatin situ gtu..eh ud dpt lah.bbrp rumah k bgi soalny kt baginy milih.yg mnurut kt mmpu kykny g prlu bntuan..
totny, org2ny tu ngocol ad yg nnya 'kok saya g kbgian?'
gw jwb aj, 'sri ya mas, lw kn msi mmpu!'
tpi boong...g lah gw g smpe sgtuny kali
kt diemin aj org kek gtu..ad jg lu usaha dong!MRK AJ YG G MMPU USAHA MASA LW KALAH SIH?! CUPU!
stlh memendam dendam kesumet trhdp smua org yg kyk gtu,akhrny gw brsbr2ria lagi hahahaha.. kta jg nemuin bnyk org baek yg brtrmakasihny tuh bnr2 sopan!patut d contoh loh :)
ud itu, kt smpt kesasar krn g tw arah.mana supir gw sok tau lagi hahahha.y ud kt fine2 aj soalny abis it kt kluar d dpn pom bensin dkt sport center alsut! amin gila gw kira kt kluar d tol...kejauhan
haha trus k desa dpn skolah tuh.kt jln kaki k dlm bawa2 kntong beras ama smbako..sma kyk d desa prtm, tu org2 jg ad yg smpe smua kluarga gtu hrus dpt,memaksa gtu dh..kt diemin aj.pak lurah lgi...g tw diri bgt sih lo.
anak2 kt bagiin susu kotakan d dpn masjid.kita suru mrk bgi2 kn awalny tpi pada g ngrti y ud kt bagiin dh hahaha..
trus kn masi ad sisa, kt bgi aj k satpam alsut ama satpam gereja ama satuny lagi bwt supir gw hahaha...
pkokny seneng bgt hri ni bisa bntuin org trutama yg brtrimakasih bgt sma kita:)
they're so grateful not like us..
harus d contoh nih!!
gw pgn kyk gini lagi dh pas natalan!!eh minggu dpn masi y?hahhaa hmpir lpa!
gw blm bgi yg maenan ama baju2!
gw jd santa claus bulan ramadhan aj kli y?
nmny? KATAR CLAUS RAMADHAN EDITION! hahhaha jayus lw najis
ok kta mulai dri pagi gw bngun tidur.tdk akan mendetail tpi yah...you'll see
jam 6 pagi d kamar..gw, tntu saja, masih molor..krn gw mls bngun.sbnrny ud bngun cuma lgi adem aj d kamar yhhhh tidur lagi dh, pnjgin mimpi (bisa loh hahha)..
eh bokap ikutan..masuk kamar nnyi hati sbgai hamba ...astaga
alarm macam mana itu?!apa ini?!
agak berlebihan soalny bokap masuk, duduk d ranjang gw matiin ac, kluar lagi...bah
gnggu tidur..y ud abis tu d triakin..pagi yg tdk tntram..
lalu ud siap2, abis melakukan brbagai ritual wktu pmbntu pulang, gw mndi, mkn dll dan g lupa maen piano:)
nah jam 8 tuh ud pda dtg k rmh gw..y prtm si tasia, trus jane trus cumi..eh tella ketinggalan soalny kta mw k pasar bwt bli kntong plstik ama mie instan..
tot hrgny mahal amt s kerdos.sbel gw..y ud akhrny dgn brat hati mngeluarkan uang 135 ribu bwt 3 krdos mie instan dan 8500 bwt kntong plstik..do the math.
ud bis tu pulang.eh tella g ad..ad gw yg bingung..y ud kt mulai krja smbl foto2 dh hahhahaa.akhrny tella nonggol..
maimen kita akhrny ikutan krja...lama bngt krja msukin kntong plstik dgn susu kotakan, beras ama mie instan..omaigoat.
akhrny selesai stlh bribu kringat bercucuran...gw merasa otot tgn kanan gw brkmbng (lagi)..mampus berat sebelah jahahhaa.
trus kt nyari2 kliling desa dh.prtm desa dkt ...lupa pkokny alsut lah.ad gang lwatin situ gtu..eh ud dpt lah.bbrp rumah k bgi soalny kt baginy milih.yg mnurut kt mmpu kykny g prlu bntuan..
totny, org2ny tu ngocol ad yg nnya 'kok saya g kbgian?'
gw jwb aj, 'sri ya mas, lw kn msi mmpu!'
tpi boong...g lah gw g smpe sgtuny kali
kt diemin aj org kek gtu..ad jg lu usaha dong!MRK AJ YG G MMPU USAHA MASA LW KALAH SIH?! CUPU!
stlh memendam dendam kesumet trhdp smua org yg kyk gtu,akhrny gw brsbr2ria lagi hahahaha.. kta jg nemuin bnyk org baek yg brtrmakasihny tuh bnr2 sopan!patut d contoh loh :)
ud itu, kt smpt kesasar krn g tw arah.mana supir gw sok tau lagi hahahha.y ud kt fine2 aj soalny abis it kt kluar d dpn pom bensin dkt sport center alsut! amin gila gw kira kt kluar d tol...kejauhan
haha trus k desa dpn skolah tuh.kt jln kaki k dlm bawa2 kntong beras ama smbako..sma kyk d desa prtm, tu org2 jg ad yg smpe smua kluarga gtu hrus dpt,memaksa gtu dh..kt diemin aj.pak lurah lgi...g tw diri bgt sih lo.
anak2 kt bagiin susu kotakan d dpn masjid.kita suru mrk bgi2 kn awalny tpi pada g ngrti y ud kt bagiin dh hahaha..
trus kn masi ad sisa, kt bgi aj k satpam alsut ama satpam gereja ama satuny lagi bwt supir gw hahaha...
pkokny seneng bgt hri ni bisa bntuin org trutama yg brtrimakasih bgt sma kita:)
they're so grateful not like us..
harus d contoh nih!!
gw pgn kyk gini lagi dh pas natalan!!eh minggu dpn masi y?hahhaa hmpir lpa!
gw blm bgi yg maenan ama baju2!
gw jd santa claus bulan ramadhan aj kli y?
nmny? KATAR CLAUS RAMADHAN EDITION! hahhaha jayus lw najis
what a day..
yep hri ini sudah mnjdi what a day..
pmbntu gw sudah pada go home (i'll miss you guys:()
gw hrp mrk senang pulang kmpung (jgn lupa oleh2 biji coklatny!!)
trus hri ini nadya my friend prgi k eropa (NOH GW G D AJAK!)
tpi gpp kta smpt gud bay2an smpe jam 3 dri jam 11 (5 jam an, g lah g pas 5 jam)
trus kmi sudah trharu krn dy mw bwain gw salju dri sana!
I'm TOUCHED!! (foolishly)
okai so hari ni gw k dentist terfavorit (buat masuk RSJ) gw bwt (awalny mw lepas) lepas kawat..eh twny...gra2 lebaran (monyong) gw g jdi lepas, msti nunggu lagi !
ef yu si kay bgt gw sebel knp lebaran maju mulu tngglny?!g strategis!!
okay jdi skrg gigi gw d psng karet2 lgi warna ketupat (yes, it's green and yellow)
yellow kn biar ad glow..tw iklan quatron?no yellow, no glow!!
caelah promosi...
ok itu ud off the topic bgt..
trus les tdi gw bljr lgu bgus (bru dpt) dri FF XIII yeah my favorite dah:)
here's a little something
ini yg gw pljrin..bgus bgt trus gw jdi niat maen biola jg gra2 yg relatedny nih
TOT GW PGN BLJR BIOLA!!! TARGET: biola ud hrus bs sblm kuliah klo g bs cupu lw!
nah berikutny gw les gitar akustik..oke gw ktmu guru gw yg acakadul rmbut cihuy dan bohay, kribo2 pnjng kriwil2...ah pnjg amt deskripsiin dy blm bibirny yg lebar stngh mati huahuahuahua.tpi orgny baek cuma bodohny...
hahahha dy lngsung : 'adu kmu kok g ingt nama saya?sdih dh..
tot apaan tuh hahhahhahha ah bodo lah pkokny gw akustik and that's all that matters!
and so yeah keseharian gw kykny gtu dh hari ni plus yg post2 sblumny itu loh.so byeeeeeeeee
pmbntu gw sudah pada go home (i'll miss you guys:()
gw hrp mrk senang pulang kmpung (jgn lupa oleh2 biji coklatny!!)
trus hri ini nadya my friend prgi k eropa (NOH GW G D AJAK!)
tpi gpp kta smpt gud bay2an smpe jam 3 dri jam 11 (5 jam an, g lah g pas 5 jam)
trus kmi sudah trharu krn dy mw bwain gw salju dri sana!
I'm TOUCHED!! (foolishly)
okai so hari ni gw k dentist terfavorit (buat masuk RSJ) gw bwt (awalny mw lepas) lepas kawat..eh twny...gra2 lebaran (monyong) gw g jdi lepas, msti nunggu lagi !
ef yu si kay bgt gw sebel knp lebaran maju mulu tngglny?!g strategis!!
okay jdi skrg gigi gw d psng karet2 lgi warna ketupat (yes, it's green and yellow)
yellow kn biar ad glow..tw iklan quatron?no yellow, no glow!!
caelah promosi...
ok itu ud off the topic bgt..
trus les tdi gw bljr lgu bgus (bru dpt) dri FF XIII yeah my favorite dah:)
here's a little something
ini yg gw pljrin..bgus bgt trus gw jdi niat maen biola jg gra2 yg relatedny nih
TOT GW PGN BLJR BIOLA!!! TARGET: biola ud hrus bs sblm kuliah klo g bs cupu lw!
nah berikutny gw les gitar akustik..oke gw ktmu guru gw yg acakadul rmbut cihuy dan bohay, kribo2 pnjng kriwil2...ah pnjg amt deskripsiin dy blm bibirny yg lebar stngh mati huahuahuahua.tpi orgny baek cuma bodohny...
hahahha dy lngsung : 'adu kmu kok g ingt nama saya?sdih dh..
tot apaan tuh hahhahhahha ah bodo lah pkokny gw akustik and that's all that matters!
and so yeah keseharian gw kykny gtu dh hari ni plus yg post2 sblumny itu loh.so byeeeeeeeee
Love that fools
yeah so here we go on the thing that makes the world go round.
everybody knows what it means, indescribeable, stupid, foolish, irrational.
no matter how you want it to be understand, you'll only end up losing it cos it's
IRRATIONAL.and stupid but ...you know (if you don't, wait until your chance)
okay so i have a friend (perhaps, i 'had' a friend) who used to be real close to me.yeah we're on the same class and we sit next to each other.
you know what?she got herself a boyfriend!yey her, i don't really care.
so the thing is, i think the love she had now is making her blind and not sensitive to her friends. basically, it's not that i hate her or so whatever but her acts has been very annoying with every little thing she said (aside from the importance of studies) and every little thing she do (maybe thinking too!)
let me explain my situation, i'm not jealous so please don't be foolish.here's my reasons for disliking her:
1. she said that she hates people who dates in our class (i think she's jealous but once again, i don't care). LOOK WHO'S TALKING NOW?!
2. she said that people who are meant to be together looks alike. ahem, does it really matters?my mom and dad don't look the same if yes, they must have been siblings.
3. she wrote all about her love life in her post!! any IDIOTS should have known that writing personal life is not suitable on a blog!
4. she ask her friends like these, 'how come all of these people knows that i'm dating him?i feel uncomfortable..'
so again, back to number 3. she wrote on her BLOG, FACEBOOK, and SHE TOLD PEOPLE HERSELF...weren't that clear enough for you, ms. 'i got 128 IQ when i was in kindergarten'?!
5. you choose your boy and abandoned your friends (don't need to count me in)!take example, my friend, she said to me, 'hey i feel very resentful to her cos she abandoned me!yesterday she said 'can i go home with you' and i was like sure and she was like 'cos my boyfriend got home earlier' and i was like hell you place me second to your boy and i was very mad i left her behind!'
yeah you get the point.
6. i still have personal reasons but once again it's personal.
okay i'm not jealous, bear with it!
so what i wrote here, it's not personal, it's REALITY!
face it kid! LOOK IN THE MIRROR!!
i won't say that you're wrong but you have to accept the truth
i hope you'll do what's right and sorry if i offend you.
hate me as you like, i won't hate back..
why should i?
it gives me nothing
everybody knows what it means, indescribeable, stupid, foolish, irrational.
no matter how you want it to be understand, you'll only end up losing it cos it's
IRRATIONAL.and stupid but ...you know (if you don't, wait until your chance)
okay so i have a friend (perhaps, i 'had' a friend) who used to be real close to me.yeah we're on the same class and we sit next to each other.
you know what?she got herself a boyfriend!yey her, i don't really care.
so the thing is, i think the love she had now is making her blind and not sensitive to her friends. basically, it's not that i hate her or so whatever but her acts has been very annoying with every little thing she said (aside from the importance of studies) and every little thing she do (maybe thinking too!)
let me explain my situation, i'm not jealous so please don't be foolish.here's my reasons for disliking her:
1. she said that she hates people who dates in our class (i think she's jealous but once again, i don't care). LOOK WHO'S TALKING NOW?!
2. she said that people who are meant to be together looks alike. ahem, does it really matters?my mom and dad don't look the same if yes, they must have been siblings.
3. she wrote all about her love life in her post!! any IDIOTS should have known that writing personal life is not suitable on a blog!
4. she ask her friends like these, 'how come all of these people knows that i'm dating him?i feel uncomfortable..'
so again, back to number 3. she wrote on her BLOG, FACEBOOK, and SHE TOLD PEOPLE HERSELF...weren't that clear enough for you, ms. 'i got 128 IQ when i was in kindergarten'?!
5. you choose your boy and abandoned your friends (don't need to count me in)!take example, my friend, she said to me, 'hey i feel very resentful to her cos she abandoned me!yesterday she said 'can i go home with you' and i was like sure and she was like 'cos my boyfriend got home earlier' and i was like hell you place me second to your boy and i was very mad i left her behind!'
yeah you get the point.
6. i still have personal reasons but once again it's personal.
okay i'm not jealous, bear with it!
so what i wrote here, it's not personal, it's REALITY!
face it kid! LOOK IN THE MIRROR!!
i won't say that you're wrong but you have to accept the truth
i hope you'll do what's right and sorry if i offend you.
hate me as you like, i won't hate back..
why should i?
it gives me nothing
kritik indo malay
tdi pas gw makan malam d resto kecil dkt2 alsut gw nonton tv yg judul britany:
psti tw klo lw pada nonton yee ini soal pertikaian malay indo lagi.
pake maskot upin ama unyil tolol abis
oke to main topic.
parah bgt kn rakyat kita indonesia itu sampe buat bendera malay tpi gmbrny tuh (bwt gw keren) monyet ama pisang yg mstiny gmbar bulan bintang (ni partai indo kn?)
sumpah trus d bkr2 lah pkokny menolak bgt tuh yg namany malay..maling sih.no offense
tpi mstiny kt juga ngliat dri kita dong!
klo kt pake bkr2 bndra sgla, kta tuh ud d anggap barbar! RASIS! DISKRIMINASI!
kn g smua org malay sprti itu!toh masi ad yg baek sperti kata Manohara
kita tuh g blh brpikiran smpit!kita harus memandang luas.bingung sih rkyat indo barbar skrg.makan ap coba.
Kpd Pak Prsiden SBY jg nih, harus tegas pak! kalo g negara kita d cap barbar k negara malay.okelah kita lah bertikai tpi ini g bs d biarin!klo kt g slh, kt tdk prlu mmnta maaf,kt jg g prlu nuntut mrk untuk mnta maaf.lbh baik mrk sdr krn suatu saat batu yg d lempar psti akan balik lagi (ingt reverse ball?y sprti itu)
buat semuany, saya minta maaf apabila tercantum kata2 kasar pada post ini tpi saya harap anda mengerti maksud saya. ini hanya kritik, opini saya.
Pak SBY, jgn sibuk buat lagu dong pak.yang tegas pak!ini msalah negara loh! bwt negara kita Indonesia!
psti tw klo lw pada nonton yee ini soal pertikaian malay indo lagi.
pake maskot upin ama unyil tolol abis
oke to main topic.
parah bgt kn rakyat kita indonesia itu sampe buat bendera malay tpi gmbrny tuh (bwt gw keren) monyet ama pisang yg mstiny gmbar bulan bintang (ni partai indo kn?)
sumpah trus d bkr2 lah pkokny menolak bgt tuh yg namany malay..maling sih.no offense
tpi mstiny kt juga ngliat dri kita dong!
klo kt pake bkr2 bndra sgla, kta tuh ud d anggap barbar! RASIS! DISKRIMINASI!
kn g smua org malay sprti itu!toh masi ad yg baek sperti kata Manohara
kita tuh g blh brpikiran smpit!kita harus memandang luas.bingung sih rkyat indo barbar skrg.makan ap coba.
Kpd Pak Prsiden SBY jg nih, harus tegas pak! kalo g negara kita d cap barbar k negara malay.okelah kita lah bertikai tpi ini g bs d biarin!klo kt g slh, kt tdk prlu mmnta maaf,kt jg g prlu nuntut mrk untuk mnta maaf.lbh baik mrk sdr krn suatu saat batu yg d lempar psti akan balik lagi (ingt reverse ball?y sprti itu)
buat semuany, saya minta maaf apabila tercantum kata2 kasar pada post ini tpi saya harap anda mengerti maksud saya. ini hanya kritik, opini saya.
Pak SBY, jgn sibuk buat lagu dong pak.yang tegas pak!ini msalah negara loh! bwt negara kita Indonesia!
a good song i suka bnget!
it's called If you only knew from Maroon 5!!
I LOVE MAROON 5!! so cool!
I wake up
Thoughts of you
Tattooed to my mind
As I wonder
What to wear
What to eat
Who to be
Will I see you again
And as my car breaks down
I shake my head and say
What a day
If you only knew
What I went through just to get to you
I'm hanging from you
And I'll hold on if you want me to
Every bus, every train,
Ever cab, every lane is JAMMED
So I looked to the sky
And I reached for the planes with my hands
If all my days go wrong
I'll think about last night
It went right
If you only knew
What I went through just to get to you
I'm hanging from you
And I'll hold on if you want me to
If you only knew
What I went through just to get to you
I'm swinging from you
And there's nothing I would rather do
harus denger, pianony jg gaul!hahhahaa i love it!!so much bgt hahha
I LOVE MAROON 5!! so cool!
I wake up
Thoughts of you
Tattooed to my mind
As I wonder
What to wear
What to eat
Who to be
Will I see you again
And as my car breaks down
I shake my head and say
What a day
If you only knew
What I went through just to get to you
I'm hanging from you
And I'll hold on if you want me to
Every bus, every train,
Ever cab, every lane is JAMMED
So I looked to the sky
And I reached for the planes with my hands
If all my days go wrong
I'll think about last night
It went right
If you only knew
What I went through just to get to you
I'm hanging from you
And I'll hold on if you want me to
If you only knew
What I went through just to get to you
I'm swinging from you
And there's nothing I would rather do
harus denger, pianony jg gaul!hahhahaa i love it!!so much bgt hahha
hello kembali it's friday!
halo all!!!
yeah it's been a day oh HELL!
once again, it has been a not so cool day!not so cool!
physics: yeah i can do it! i got 7 i think ..
math: oh hell number 3 i wasn't sure and number 4, hell, i forgot what i just learned!! stupid!!!foolish you!!funsucker!
english: crap..i heard those vocabs but i never really get to know what it means so i interpret it myself..sheesh..
okay so overall, it's just so so i think hahahha
cupu balik indo yee
eh guys parah bgt loh d tv trnyt kok y ramadhan malah marak tuh rampok2an..
mana pake senjata api pula (wuidih)
ckck trnyt indo gokil...bagian kriminalitas.
g lucu tae masa mnjelang lebaran orang ngabuburit rampok2an?!
kyk kaga ad kerjaan aj sih..mkny nonton KULTUM DEMI MASA!! (?)
hati2 yah yg pada jalan2..bnyk maling/jambret/rampok dmn2 sih..
wish you luck guys!
eh i ad story..tpi ini bkn berita bgus
someone from my family d vonis hidupny g bkl lama lagi..
soalny d kanker ud smpe ke otak..
aduu parah bgt..ktny taon depan dy ud bs...you know lah..
doain yah semoga dia dpt keajaiban gtu trus bs sembuh..kasian istriny ama anak2ny..
dy baek sih trus lucu gtu mkny gw sedih aj klo mslny hal itu smpe trjadi..
walopun gw g gtu kenal ama dy tpi he's still my family!!i would care no less for my family...too much have died..
doain dy yah teman2..gw kasian keluargany jg..kasian dy jg sih..
GW G TEGA!!! that's all lah...bye
yeah it's been a day oh HELL!
once again, it has been a not so cool day!not so cool!
physics: yeah i can do it! i got 7 i think ..
math: oh hell number 3 i wasn't sure and number 4, hell, i forgot what i just learned!! stupid!!!foolish you!!funsucker!
english: crap..i heard those vocabs but i never really get to know what it means so i interpret it myself..sheesh..
okay so overall, it's just so so i think hahahha
cupu balik indo yee
eh guys parah bgt loh d tv trnyt kok y ramadhan malah marak tuh rampok2an..
mana pake senjata api pula (wuidih)
ckck trnyt indo gokil...bagian kriminalitas.
g lucu tae masa mnjelang lebaran orang ngabuburit rampok2an?!
kyk kaga ad kerjaan aj sih..mkny nonton KULTUM DEMI MASA!! (?)
hati2 yah yg pada jalan2..bnyk maling/jambret/rampok dmn2 sih..
wish you luck guys!
eh i ad story..tpi ini bkn berita bgus
someone from my family d vonis hidupny g bkl lama lagi..
soalny d kanker ud smpe ke otak..
aduu parah bgt..ktny taon depan dy ud bs...you know lah..
doain yah semoga dia dpt keajaiban gtu trus bs sembuh..kasian istriny ama anak2ny..
dy baek sih trus lucu gtu mkny gw sedih aj klo mslny hal itu smpe trjadi..
walopun gw g gtu kenal ama dy tpi he's still my family!!i would care no less for my family...too much have died..
doain dy yah teman2..gw kasian keluargany jg..kasian dy jg sih..
GW G TEGA!!! that's all lah...bye
hey yall i'm feeling bad
iy nih..gw lagi sedih aj y
kok gw mrsa lonely bgt
sediiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih bgt tp g lebay dh!
g gw g nngis klo lw nny gtu tpi hmpir mw nngis, itu adlh hal absolut
makin sebel, bsok ulangan mat + quiz fisika + english test = hell!!!
tot gw mls bgt..
if i could turn back time, i wish i could have realized it sooner when i was younger..
to know the truth of you..
but thanks, i'm not regretting..i will fight till the end.
if i quit, i'm just a sore-born loser to begin with and that isn't me..
i promise if i could do better just by saving my friendship, then i could do more, lots of good things in my life
for the world...
i'm sorry if i did/do something wrong to you..i never really ask your help so can i ask this;
i wanted to help you, talk to you and spend many times joking with you..i miss every moment we've been through and i don't want to lose you..no more.
if only i could tell this face to face.maybe it doesn't have to be this way..
i'm just not brave enough...
am i not good?if so, why?
give me a chance please...to explain
kok gw mrsa lonely bgt
sediiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih bgt tp g lebay dh!
g gw g nngis klo lw nny gtu tpi hmpir mw nngis, itu adlh hal absolut
makin sebel, bsok ulangan mat + quiz fisika + english test = hell!!!
tot gw mls bgt..
if i could turn back time, i wish i could have realized it sooner when i was younger..
to know the truth of you..
but thanks, i'm not regretting..i will fight till the end.
if i quit, i'm just a sore-born loser to begin with and that isn't me..
i promise if i could do better just by saving my friendship, then i could do more, lots of good things in my life
for the world...
i'm sorry if i did/do something wrong to you..i never really ask your help so can i ask this;
i wanted to help you, talk to you and spend many times joking with you..i miss every moment we've been through and i don't want to lose you..no more.
if only i could tell this face to face.maybe it doesn't have to be this way..
i'm just not brave enough...
am i not good?if so, why?
give me a chance please...to explain
i got myself lots to give:)
wah keren banget tadi abis pulang les, sumbangan bwt kersos gw numpuk tae!!!
bnyak banget!!
maenan berserakan dah tuh, trus baju2 yh kprluan laenny
GAULNYA, kita juga dapet BERAS 50 KG!!!
maaf bnyk tae
iy tpi bnyk bgt lah OMG trimakasih Ibu Linda(s) [karena Ibu Linda tidak hanya satu]
aduuu gw kykny bakal nulis dikit nih soalny sibuk bgt!!!hahaha
knp gw g brani gtu sih say hi k dy..just hi..mai goat
gw payah bgt sih..yeah
i'll have to do this on my own! aku harus optimis!yeah!
wah keren banget tadi abis pulang les, sumbangan bwt kersos gw numpuk tae!!!
bnyak banget!!
maenan berserakan dah tuh, trus baju2 yh kprluan laenny
GAULNYA, kita juga dapet BERAS 50 KG!!!
maaf bnyk tae
iy tpi bnyk bgt lah OMG trimakasih Ibu Linda(s) [karena Ibu Linda tidak hanya satu]
aduuu gw kykny bakal nulis dikit nih soalny sibuk bgt!!!hahaha
knp gw g brani gtu sih say hi k dy..just hi..mai goat
gw payah bgt sih..yeah
i'll have to do this on my own! aku harus optimis!yeah!
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